[openstack-dev] Session proposals for the Design Summit -- deadline is EOD Thursday
Thierry Carrez
thierry at openstack.org
Wed Oct 3 09:19:34 UTC 2012
Hi everyone,
As topic leads need to work on the final scheduling of the Design Summit
track, the session proposals will close at the end of the day on
Thursday (October 4).
Since most topic leads are already working on session selection, you're
encouraged to file any missing suggestion ASAP, to increase your chances
that they will be considered for inclusion.
We expect to produce a near-final schedule by October 10.
Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> TL;DR version:
> The session suggestion website for the Design Summit track at the
> OpenStack Summit is now open at: http://summit.openstack.org/
> Long version:
> The "Design Summit" is now a specific track in the overall "OpenStack
> Summit" event. It is different from other tracks in a number of ways.
> * It happens all 4 days, from Monday 9am to Thursday 5:40pm.
> * More importantly, there are *no formal presentations or speakers*. The
> sessions at the design summit are open discussions between contributors
> on a specific development topic for the upcoming development cycle,
> moderated by a session lead. It is possible to prepare a few slides to
> introduce the current status and kick-off the discussion, but these
> should never be formal speaker-to-audience presentations. If that's what
> you're after, the other tracks of the OpenStack Summit are for you. If
> you missed the boat of the CFP there, there will be lightning talks and
> unconference space at the Summit to let you present your stuff.
> * There is no community voting on the content. The Design Summit track
> is separated into multiple topics, each with a topic lead (generally the
> PTL of the corresponding project) responsible for selecting the content
> he deems important for the upcoming cycle. Contributors suggest topics
> for discussions, but the topic lead is ultimately responsible for coming
> up with the final schedule. If you want to be PTL in place of the PTL,
> you can still run for election by throwing your name into the hat before
> the end of today :)
> This Design Summit is a bit different from previous Design Summits you
> may have attended:
> * It runs in parallel with the other OpenStack Summit tracks (though no
> session runs in parallel with keynote talks).
> * All sessions are now 40-min long and aligned with the rest of the event.
> * All sessions are now technical open brainstorming sessions to discuss
> what will be done in the *next* development cycle of OpenStack.
> Technical demos and workshops have their own tracks in the OpenStack
> Summit and are off-topic for this track.
> * It's strictly focused on *core projects*. Ecosystem projects and
> DevOps summit now all have their own tracks in the OpenStack Summit and
> are off-topic for this track. For projects that want to become incubated
> over the Grizzly cycle, we'll have extra rooms available in the Design
> Summit space that can be freely scheduled.
> With all this in mind, please fell free to suggest topics of discussion
> for this track. The website to do this is open at:
> http://summit.openstack.org/
> You'll need to go through Launchpad SSO to log on that site (same auth
> we use for Gerrit, Jenkins and all our core development infrastructure).
> If you're lost, try the Help link at the bottom of the page. If all else
> fails, ping me.
> Please take extra care when selecting the topic your suggestion belongs
> in. You can see the complete list of topics at:
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Summit/Grizzly
> You have until the end of the month to suggest sessions. Proposed
> session topics will be reviewed by topic leads in the coming weeks, and
> potentially merged with other suggestions before being scheduled (first
> weeks of October). The final schedule is not expected before October 10,
> though the initial split of topics withing the 4 days is already visible at:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmUn0hzC1InKdEtNWVpRckt4R0Z0Q0Z3SUc1cUtDQXc#gid=0
> We'll keep updated information about the Design Summit track at:
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Summit/Grizzly
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Summit
Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Release Manager, OpenStack
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