[openstack-dev] Second IRC meeting channel

John Dickinson me at not.mn
Thu Nov 29 20:35:18 UTC 2012

Another option would be to allow each team to have meetings in their respective IRC channels. Many teams have established quasi-official channels anyway. This would require several more instances of meetbot running, but it also adapts to what's pretty much the reality anyway.

I like the centralized meeting place, but I do ignore most of what goes on in there unless swift is mentioned explicitly. Seems that if there is a meetbot handling the meeting logs, then having the logs in a central place solves the "open communication" problem. As long as the openstack meetings calendar is updated with the appropriate rooms where the meetings are happening, we also keep the "anyone can join and participate in meetings they are interested in" feature that we currently have with #openstack-meeting.


On Nov 29, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Gabriel Hurley <Gabriel.Hurley at nebula.com> wrote:

>> I'd suggest "#openstack-meetings-alt" as a name to make it clear that there is
>> a primary meeting room and an alternate one for when the forst one
>> happens to be booked.
> +1 on the name.
>> What about giving priority to core projects to #openstack-meetings, to
>> naturally avoid double-booking people that want to follow multiple core
>> projects ?
> I'd be in favor of this, though a small part of me feels rude asking established meetings to change rooms. I'm sure I'd get over it though. ;-)
>    - Gabriel
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