[openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] SURVEY: Help us prioritize our roadmap

Nicolas Barcet nicolas at barcet.com
Tue Nov 20 17:47:05 UTC 2012

On 11/15/2012 11:12 AM, Nicolas Barcet wrote:
> Hello,
> The Ceilometer team would like to have your input on how to prioritize
> features in the next release.  We need to sanity check our current plan
> and while we cannot guarantee that the most popular feature will get
> implemented (unless YOU implement it, of course), your point of view
> does matter to us.
> 6 Questions, 5 minutes, totally anonymous:
> 	http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JNQ2PCJ
> Thanks a lot for your help!

I just closed the survey, here is a quick summary of the 33 responses we

A) Regarding feature priority, here is the ordering we got
(from most to least wanted)

1. change notification listener to use public API (requires oslo changes
2. allow different polling interval for each pollster #1010037,
3. change use of RPC to messages (requires oslo changes first)
4. investigate Nova Cell support, if it lands early enough
5. move listener framework to oslo for reuse by horizon and other
projects (requested by horizon)
6. provide sample config file (#1057473)
7. plugins for places to send counters from agents,
8. swift integration (#1004450)
9. replace nova scheduler's data collection (may be too broad for
grizzly, but could make plans)
10. rebuild API server with pecan and WSME (part of WSGI framework
changes for oslo)
11. support for non libvirt Hypervisors #1004468
12. support for qpid
13. support for zeromq

B) Other requested features:
 * Horizon admin dashboard integration for various config / raw info display
 * Integrate with monitoring tools such as Nagios, Collectd, Ganglia
 * Integrate with monitoring standards such as SNMP, CIM and SMI-S
 * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/meter-post-api

C) When do you plan starting using ceilometer?
72% of respondent said they were planning to use ceilometer within the
next 6 months

D) Usage
I think this speaks for itself:
 * I need something that reports usage, but I don't plan to bill anyone	
	41,4%	12
 * I need usage report to bill users	
	55,2%	16
 * I need help to plan capacity	
	48,3%	14
 * I want to have monitoring information in a central place	
	82,8%	24

E) Demographics
70% of the respondents were from organizations with 500+ employees.

I can provide a full export of the results for those interested, just
ask privately.

Nicolas Barcet <nicolas at barcet.com>
aka: Nick, nijaba

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