[openstack-dev] Pep8 versions??

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Mon Nov 19 22:34:48 UTC 2012

On 11/19/2012 02:09 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if the community has not yet finalized on which pep8
> version will be common to all subprojects.
> I am seeing this:
> Nova -> pep8==1.2
> Keystone -> pep8==1.3.3
> Glance -> pep8==1.3.3
> Horizon -> pep8>=1.3
> Is there work underway to move nova to 1.3.3 (and resolve the new pep8
> complaints?).
> Random thoughts:
> 1. Perhaps the dependency shouldn't be updated to 1.3.3 until all code
> is complaint (across all projects)?? (1.3 new checks should not cause
> 1.2 issues right??)
> 2.. From a packaging/packagers perspective having this makes it very
> hard to know which one will and will not work (especially when
> installing/testing/running on a single machine)…

I agree - I kinda thought we agreed at the Summit that we'd pick a pep8 
version early in the cycle and align to it.

Of course, I think that was related to starting to use the common deps 
repo ... which I'm pretty sure still hasn't happened yet.


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