[openstack-dev] RabbitMQ Scaling

Rosa, Andrea (HP Cloud Services) andrea.rosa at hp.com
Fri Nov 16 09:41:47 UTC 2012

Hi Ray

>In the measurements I reported, all RabbitMQ nodes were DISK nodes.  I failed to mention that I used a rampup methodology whereby I added one new load generating client (RPC caller) every 60 seconds, so concurrency built up over >time.  I also monitored CPU, disk I/O, network and memory utilization during the runs.  Particularly, disk I/O was less than 1% and did not increase, confirming the DISK nodes were not using the disk.
>In any case, I just reran the 3 node cluster measurement with one node as a DISK and management database node and the the other two being RAM nodes and the results were identical in all respects, namely RPC throughput and and CPU >utilization, to the all DISK node results mentioned above.

I am really surprised that you have the same results. The configuration with RAM nodes should have an impact on the performance.
I have some other questions:
- are you creating a new connection for each call or do you have a connectionPool?
- do you have multiple producers and a single consumer? I mean all RPC are requests are for a single queue? If so are you using a specific prefetch value? Are you using auto_ack?

>I am feeling the dynamic creation of queues and exchanges is not a good idea.

Maybe you are right but it seems the default pattern for RPC.

Thanks for your time
Andrea Rosa

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