[openstack-dev] The future of Incubation and Core - a motion

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Thu Nov 15 12:56:39 UTC 2012

Zane Bitter wrote:
> In trademark terms, then, "Core" is all the remaining projects in
> OpenStack that haven't been put into an excluded category
> (Library/Gating/Supporting).

Well, I think the main idea behind Mark's motion is to separate the two
concepts. Bylaws define "Core" as "software modules which are part of an
integrated release and for which an OpenStack trademark may be used".
What Mark proposes is to make the trademark-protected "Core" the
*subset* of software modules (part of the integrated release) for which
an OpenStack trademark may be used.

> [...] 
> What I'm suggesting here is that trademarks are not so much "an issue
> that can be punted to the Board" as just a non-issue. I don't think
> there's any need to create another category that's excluded from the
> trademark because there is already broad agreement on what is excluded
> from the trademark (Library, Gating and Supporting projects) and why.

I disagree. There is clearly no consensus yet on what has the right to
use the "OpenStack" name, or what components you need to run in order to
call yourself "an OpenStack cloud". For example, Horizon is core, but
Rackspace and HP Clouds (while calling themselves OpenStack clouds)
don't use it. Disconnecting this question (which is BoD territory) from
the question of which projects can grow under the OpenStack development
umbrella (which is TC territory) is therefore useful.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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