[openstack-dev] [Quantum/Nova] Improving VIF plugin

Ian Wells ijw.ubuntu at cack.org.uk
Tue Nov 6 21:58:14 UTC 2012

On 6 November 2012 19:39, Gary Kotton <gkotton at redhat.com> wrote:
> GET /network-implementation-details/<net-id>

A minor quibble, but these commands will probably change the state on
the host that you're getting an attachment for for (or, at least, it
would the way I would do it - you do the call, and e.g. a bridge pops
up and Nova knows where to find it by the return of the call).  If
that's the case, it is a POST rather than a GET as you're creating

I'm sure you could do it the other way around (GET the details of how
to connect to the network and then do the work in Nova to make an
endpoint that the hypervisor could use) but I prefer that the work of
buggering about with the networking remained entirely within Quantum.
This seems eminently sensible for PCI passthrough in particular, where
the call would hand over the details of the card to be attached and
return that it had been attached - versus bridge creation, where you'd
probably say 'give me a bridge' and be told the details of the
arbitrarily named bridge you'd just had created.

The options seem to be:
 - be explicit about which port we're attaching (and, presumably, that
a port can only be attached once)
 - implicitly create a port iff you attach to a network, use an
existing port otherwise
 - drop ports altogether, or replace them with these attachments that
we're talking about right now (get a 'realised' attachment point and
you have effectively added a port to the network, after all).


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