[openstack-dev] [Quantum] Unit tests and memory consumption

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Sun Nov 4 20:48:01 UTC 2012

On 11/04/2012 03:26 PM, Gary Kotton wrote:
> On 10/24/2012 03:24 PM, Gary Kotton wrote:
>> On 10/24/2012 12:20 AM, Monty Taylor wrote:
>>> I believe that we can address this for both run_tests and tox with some
>>> of the testtools/fixtures stuff clark has been playing with. We'll poke
>>> at it tomorrow (he's out for the day) and see if we can get an approach
>>> that would make everyone happy.
> I tried playing around with the flags in the tox.ini file. There are
> options to run this in multiple processes. There are two flags that are
> of interest:
> 1. NOSE_PROCESS_RESTARTWORKER: - This is documented as follows:
> "--process-restartworker
>                         If set, will restart each worker process once their
>                         tests are done, this helps control memory leaks
> from
>                         killing the system. [NOSE_PROCESS_RESTARTWORKER]"
> 2. NOSE_PROCESSES: - This is documented as follows:
> "--processes=NUM       Spread test run among this many processes. Set a
>                         number equal to the number of processors or
> cores in
>                         your machine for best results. [NOSE_PROCESSES]"

So - we're moving towards using testr as the test runner _instead_ of
nose. There are several reasons for this, but one of them is better
support for parallelism.

clarkb has been working on this for quantum - you might want to sync up
with him if you're interested in helping out.

> The problem that I have is that when the first variable is set nothing
> is done, this is really dependent on the second. The problem when
> setting the second is that I get the following exception:
> garyk at linus:~/quantum$ tox
> GLOB sdist-make: /home/garyk/quantum/setup.py
> py26 create: /home/garyk/quantum/.tox/py26
> ERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python2.6
> py27 sdist-reinst: /home/garyk/quantum/.tox/dist/quantum-2013.1.zip
> py27 runtests: commands[0]
> /home/garyk/quantum/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative.py:1343:
> SAWarning: The classname 'NetworkBinding' is already in the registry of
> this declarative base, mapped to <class
> 'quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_models_v2.NetworkBinding'>
>   _as_declarative(cls, classname, cls.__dict__)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File ".tox/py27/bin/nosetests", line 9, in <module>
>     load_entry_point('nose==1.2.1', 'console_scripts', 'nosetests')()
>   File
> "/home/garyk/quantum/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/core.py",
> line 118, in __init__
>     **extra_args)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/main.py", line 95, in __init__
>     self.runTests()
>   File
> "/home/garyk/quantum/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/core.py",
> line 197, in runTests
>     result = self.testRunner.run(self.test)
>   File
> "/home/garyk/quantum/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/multiprocess.py",
> line 357, in run
>     testQueue = Queue()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/managers.py", line 667, in temp
>     token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/managers.py", line 565, in
> _create
>     conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 175, in
> Client
>     answer_challenge(c, authkey)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 413, in
> answer_challenge
>     message = connection.recv_bytes(256)         # reject large message
> IOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
> Has anyone ever encountered something like this.
> Thanks
> Gary
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