[openstack-dev] [CI] lockutils failures

Eric Windisch eric at cloudscaling.com
Wed Dec 12 15:16:46 UTC 2012


Lockutils is failing its tests (oslo-incubator). The tests succeed locally, so I suspect this is a problem with the filesystem on the jenkins nodes. Thoughts?

Thank you,
Eric Windisch


14:53:58 ====================================================================== 14:53:58 FAIL: We can lock across multiple processes 14:53:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:53:58 Traceback (most recent call last): 14:53:58 File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/tests/unit/test_lockutils.py", line 164, in test_synchronized_externally 14:53:58 f(rpipe2, wpipe1) 14:53:58 File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/openstack/common/lockutils.py", line 221, in inner 14:53:58 retval = f(*args, **kwargs) 14:53:58 File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/tests/unit/test_lockutils.py", line 147, in f 14:53:58 self.assertEquals(len(rfds), 0, "The other process, which was " 14:53:58 AssertionError: The other process, which was supposed to be locked, wrote on its end of the pipe 14:53:58 >> raise self.failureException, \ 14:53:58 ('The other process, which was supposed to be locked, wrote on its end o
f the pipe' or '%r != %r' % (1, 0)) 14:53:58 14:53:58 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 14:53:58 openstack.common.rpc.amqp: DEBUG: Pool creating new connection 14:53:58 openstack.common.rpc.common: ERROR: AMQP server on localhost:5672 is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying again in 1 seconds. 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Got semaphore "testlock1" for method "f"... 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Attempting to grab file lock "testlock1" for method "f"... 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Got file lock "testlock1" at /tmp/tmpNh0J6a/test-testlock1 for method "f"... 14:53:58 --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- 14:53:58 14:53:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:53:58 XML: nosetests.xml 14:53:58 Slowest 5 tests took 6.32 secs: 14:53:58 [31m 2.01 RpcKombuTestCase.test_call_timeout[0m 14:53:58 [31m 2.00 RpcFakeTestCase.test_call_timeo
ut[0m 14:53:58 [31m 1.01 RpcKombuHATestCase.test_roundrobin_reconnect[0m 14:53:58 [31m 1.00 LoopingCallTestCase.test_repeat[0m 14:53:58 [31m 0.30 ServiceLauncherTest.test_killed_worker_recover[0m 14:53:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:53:58 Ran 719 tests in 9.631s 14:53:58 14:53:58 FAILED (SKIP=37, failures=1) 14:53:58 [32mOK [0m[32m 0.00[0m 14:53:58 14:53:58 ====================================================================== 14:53:58 FAIL: We can lock across multiple processes 14:53:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:53:58 Traceback (most recent call last): 14:53:58 File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/tests/unit/test_lockutils.py", line 158, in test_synchronized_externally 14:53:58 f(rpipe1, wpipe2) 14:53:58 File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/openstack/common/lockutils.py", line 221, in inner 14:53:58 retval = f(*args, **kwargs) 14:53:58 File "/home
/jenkins/workspace/gate-oslo-incubator-python26/tests/unit/test_lockutils.py", line 147, in f 14:53:58 self.assertEquals(len(rfds), 0, "The other process, which was " 14:53:58 AssertionError: The other process, which was supposed to be locked, wrote on its end of the pipe 14:53:58 >> raise self.failureException, \ 14:53:58 ('The other process, which was supposed to be locked, wrote on its end of the pipe' or '%r != %r' % (1, 0)) 14:53:58 14:53:58 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Got semaphore "testlock1" for method "f"... 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Attempting to grab file lock "testlock1" for method "f"... 14:53:58 openstack.common.lockutils: DEBUG: Got file lock "testlock1" at /tmp/tmpNh0J6a/test-testlock1 for method "f"... 14:53:58 openstack.common.rpc.amqp: DEBUG: Pool creating new connection 14:53:58 --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- 14:53:58 
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