Hello, Just a quick reminder for the best practice on the review process as defined at [1], which can be summarized as follow: * first core revieviewer should just add +2 and leave the approved flag alone * second core reviewer add +2 and +1 approved So that you know, and unless there is a good reason to bypass the process, we do want to have at least 2 core reviewer to validate a patch before merging it. When you mark is +1 approved, it is immediately merged, which may not have been obvious to everyone in the ceilometer core team. [1] http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritJenkinsGithub#Reviewing_a_Change This finishes this process reminder interruption, you can now go back to coding :) Nick -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/attachments/20121211/275aa2c9/attachment.html>