[openstack-dev] [Quantum] Spec of Security Group implementation

Dan Wendlandt dan at nicira.com
Tue Dec 4 17:31:08 UTC 2012

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 8:16 PM, Aaron Rosen <arosen at nicira.com> wrote:

> Hi Akihiro,
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Akihiro MOTOKI <motoki at da.jp.nec.com>wrote:
>>  Hi Quantum folks (particulary who involve secgroup implementation),
>> During reviewing and tesitng Nachi's secgroup implementation,
>> quesitons are raised about secgroup spec I would like to confirm.
>> (1) How should a rule without both source_ip_prefix (source IP cidr) and
>> source_group_id should handled?
>> There are two possible options: (a) If both source_ip_prefix and
>> source_group_id are not specified,  reject such a rule.
>> (b) (a) If both source_ip_prefix and source_group_id are not specified,
>> assume source_ip_prefix is
>> Note that in the current implementation, the secgroup db layyer accepts
>> such rule but lb implmentation ignores it.
>> It is confusing and it needs to be improved.
>> Good point, in security groups if you don't specify source_ip_prefix it
> is actually set to null in the security_group_rules table. Perhaps we
> should have it more explicitly set it to My opinion here is
> that if you don't specify something in a security group rule it's basically
> wild carded (allow all). For example, if you say ip_source=,
> direction='ingress', ethertype='IPv4', protocol='tcp' but do not specify
> the  min/max range you can then receive  on any port (they become wild
> carded).
>> (2) How should source_ip_prefix or source_group_id be translated into the
>> implementation for egress rule?
>> IMO they should be interpreted as "destination" in egress rule. How do
>> you think?
>> Naming of "source_*" comes from the traditional secgroup context (i.e.,
>> "ingress") and it would be better to rename attribute names.
> If you have a rule that says:
> direction='ingress' source_ip_prefix='' then this port would be
> able to receive traffic from on this port.
> Alternatively,
> direction='egress' source_ip_prefix='' then this port would be
> able to send traffic to from this port.
> Does that make it more clear? I'm against to remove source_ though.

I think this is the issue Nachi was referring to during the team meeting.

I don't think "source_ip_prefix" makes sense in the context of an egress
(i.e., "outbound from the VM") security group.

I would suggest either having a source_ip_prefix field that is valid only
if direction="ingress" and a destination_ip_prefix field that is valid only
if direction="egress", or simply having an "ip_prefix" field, with source
or destination being implicit based on the "direction" of the rule.  It
seems like the latter is what Amazon VPC does:
though in the GUI they still call them "source" or "destination", based on
the direction of the rule.

I think the same would apply for the "source_group_id" field, potentially
renaming it to "group_id"


>>  Thanks,
>> Akihiro
>> (2012/11/29 10:38), Nachi Ueno wrote:
>> Thanks
>>   Ok I got the spec.
>>  Let's discuss underlaying filtering rule layer in next patch.
>> 2012年11月28日水曜日 Dan Wendlandt dan at nicira.com:
>>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:06 AM, Akihiro MOTOKI <motoki at da.jp.nec.com>wrote:
>>>  Hi Nachi,
>>> I will check and test your new patch.
>>> As I raised these issues, I commented inline. There is no confliciton
>>> with Dan's comment.
>>> (2012/11/28 10:39), Nachi Ueno wrote:
>>> Hi Dan
>>>  Thank you for your reply
>>> 2012/11/27 Dan Wendlandt <dan at nicira.com>
>>>  On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Nachi Ueno <nachi at nttmcl.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Aaron, Akihiro, Gary
>>>  I would like to ask your opinion about the security group specs.
>>>  [Discussion 1]  security group rule applied for port for network:*
>>> ports?
>>>  - Dhcp port (looks not needed)
>>>  I don't see obvious use cases here, and a tenant could definitely
>>> shoot themselves in the foot by configuring security groups here.  Not
>>> supporting them here would make sense.
>>>   I totally with Dan.  I don't see any useful usecases either.
>>>     - Router port ( I could see many usecases, but this may be
>>> implemented as a service extension such as VPM)
>>>  This is tricky.  It make sense to do packet filtering at router ports,
>>> but I would argue that security groups are the wrong abstraction here.
>>>  Security groups are very directional, as their original intent was to
>>> project an "inside" VM from the "outside" world.   That directionality
>>> doesn't really make sense on router port in my experience.
>>>     My understanding is similar to Dan.
>>> I see security groups are basically applied to network endpoints such as
>>> VIF of VM.
>>> Router is not an network endpoint and the meaning of 'direction' is
>>> turned for a router port.
>>> It is better packet filtering at router is supported by other scheme
>>> than security groups.
>>>  IMO, if we take this limitation, these limitation should be done in
>>> securitygroups_db class.
>>>  seems reasonable.
>>>      yes, I think we all agree there.
>>>  dan
>>>> Ideally some underlying layer of security group seems a better place to
>>>> implement such logic
>>>> and securitygroups_db class should dedicate itself to manage security
>>>> group and its rule.
>>>> It makes it easier to manage provider specific rules I think.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Akihiro
>>>>>  Dan
>>>>>>    Thanks
>>>>>>  Nachi
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt
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