[openstack-dev] [cinder] Volume metering in nova
O'Driscoll, Cian
cian.o-driscoll at hp.com
Wed Aug 8 09:14:22 UTC 2012
Sorry for the delay in a reply but was out of the office for the last couple of days.
The Goal is B, to get usage(reads, writes, read mb, write mb) of all volumes in status "attached".
> Compute keeps a record of volumes that are attached via the block_device_mapping table. The method for doing this is to get all instances belonging to the host, iterate through each instance and get a list of attached volues from block_device_mapping, and log > usage for each one. You could do this inside the existing _instance_usage_audit task (which already grabs all active instances on the host) using self._get_instance_volume_bdms(instance_uuid).
We can extend _instance_usage_audit to send volume usage data similar to how it currently sends bandwidth usage data.
_instance_usage_audit reads the bandwidth data from the db which has already been populated by a separate periodic task _poll_bandwidth_usage.
I think we still need to gather that information through a peridoc task like _poll_bandwidth_usage, using self._get_instance_volume_bdms(instance_uuid) - (tested and works fine).
If this was an auditor for the amount of time as volume was mounted, then we could do this all in cinder but as we need to query in this case libvirt for the usage stats(reads, writes, read mb, write mb) then we have to do this on the compute host as we cannot query libvirt remotely(from volume manager).
From: Vishvananda Ishaya [mailto:vishvananda at gmail.com]
Sent: 02 August 2012 17:03
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Volume metering in nova
There are two possible solutions depending on what the goal of usage metering is.
Goal A: log usage of all created volumes regardless of attach status.
This should be done in cinder (or nova-volume/manager.py) side where the list of volumes exists.
Goal B: log usage of all attached volumes.
Compute keeps a record of volumes that are attached via the block_device_mapping table. The method for doing this is to get all instances belonging to the host, iterate through each instance and get a list of attached volues from block_device_mapping, and log usage for each one. You could do this inside the existing _instance_usage_audit task (which already grabs all active instances on the host) using self._get_instance_volume_bdms(instance_uuid).
On Aug 2, 2012, at 4:43 AM, "O'Driscoll, Cian" <cian.o-driscoll at hp.com> wrote:
Just wanted to start a discussion on the issue I hit yesterday when implementing volume usage metering (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/volume-usage-metering)
Here is what I found:
I create a periodic task in nova/compute/manager.py, the function looks like this
def _poll_volume_usage(self, context, start_time=None, stop_time=None):
if not start_time:
start_time = utils.last_completed_audit_period()[1]
curr_time = time.time()
if curr_time - self._last_vol_usage_poll > FLAGS.volume_poll_interval:
self._last_vol_usage_poll = curr_time
LOG.info(_("Updating volume usage cache"))
volumes = self.volume_api.get_all(context)
vol_usage = self.driver.get_all_volume_usage(context, volumes,
start_time, stop_time)
except NotImplementedError:
for usage in vol_usage:
self.db.vol_usage_update(context, usage['volume'], start_time,
usage['rd_req'], usage['rd_bytes'],
usage['wr_req'], usage['wr_bytes'])
The issue is with the call "self.volume_api.get_all(context)", in my blueprint I was going to use self.db.volume_get_all_by_host(ctxt, self.host) but because nova db doesn't contain volume info anymore, we need to talk to cinder to get the info.
_poll_volume_usage is passed and admin context when ran. The admin context doesn't contain a service_catalog or any authentication info from Keystone, bascically just a context that says is_admin=True.
So when "self.volume_api.get_all(context)" is called passing in the admin context, the instantiation of a python cinder client fails as the service catalog is empty.
Even if the service catalog was populated, I still think we'd fail as we wouldn't have a Auth token to talk to cinder.
2012-08-01 14:05:01 ERROR nova.manager [-] Error during ComputeManager._poll_volume_usage: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager Traceback (most recent call last):
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/manager.py", line 173, in periodic_tasks
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager task(self, context)
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 2639, in _poll_volume_usage
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager volumes = self.volume_api.get_all(context)
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/volume/cinder.py", line 125, in get_all
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager items = cinderclient(context).volumes.list(detailed=True)
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/volume/cinder.py", line 45, in cinderclient
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager url = sc.url_for(service_type='volume', service_name='cinder')
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager File "/opt/stack/python-cinderclient/cinderclient/service_catalog.py", line 53, in url_for
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager for service in catalog:
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
2012-08-01 14:05:01 TRACE nova.manager
One possible solution to this is to have a cinder admin user with read only(read all data from cinder db) access created in Keystone (Glance does something very similar when talking to swift)? It keeps the user data in a conf file on the glance nodes.
So before we call "self.volume_api.get_all(context)", we can generate a cinder admin context using the info in a conf file.
I think this could be done in another blueprint as I feel there are other use cases where a cinder admin user is required (Any cinder auditing in nova would require the admin user).
For now I propose, to make progress in my implementation of just adding stats collection on detach and not implementing the periodic task for now.
This would be volume usage metering part 1 say, as a proof of concept and when a general consensus/implementation is reached around the cinder admin user, I can implement the periodic task as part ?
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