[openstack-announce] [release][senlin] senlin 1.0.0 release (mitaka)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Apr 7 07:59:16 UTC 2016

We are delighted to announce the release of:

senlin 1.0.0: OpenStack Clustering

This release is part of the mitaka release series.

Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* We no longer support soft-delete in senlin database. Marking an
  entity as soft-deleted is causing more problems than brining any

* Action list now can be filtered by its 'status' property.

* Added support of multi-tenancy for actions.

* Added senlin.policy.affinity-v1.0 which can be used to control how
  VM servers are placed based on nova servergroup settings.

* New actions for checking and recovering nodes/clusters are added.

* Added new APIs for cluster/node check and recover.

* Added support to limit number of clusters per project.

* Clusters now have a new 'RESIZING' status when its scale is being

* The builtin deletion policy can handle cross-region and cross-zone
  nodes selection.

* Supporting engine status scheck, with senlin-manage command.

* Event list can now be filtered by its 'level' property.

* Adde support to multi-tenancy for event resources.

* Profile types and policy types are explicitly versioned now. We
  have the version string appended to the type names for easier

* New health check daemon is introduced to do periodical cluster
  status checking. It collaborates with health policy on cluster

* Improved action scheduler so that it can pick an action that is
  READY to be executed from DB.

* Added LBaaS health monitor support to load-balancing policy v1.0.

* Added support to steal a lock from dead engine.

* Added support to multi-tenancy (aka. project_safe checking) when
  finding resources.

* Use 'sort' instead of 'sort_keys' and 'sort_dir' for object

* Nova server proflie now supports block device mapping v2 (BDMv2).

* Enabled update to the 'flavor' of a nova server profile.

* Enabled update to the 'name' of a nova server profile.

* Added profile property checking regarding whether they are

* Support to 'senlin-manage purge_deleted <age> [<unit>]' is added.

* New abstraction 'receiver' has been added as a generic way to
  notify the senlin engine that something interesting has happended.

* An experimental pollicy for placing nodes across multiple regions.

* Removed support to 'trigger' abstraction.

* Make sure 'spec' of a profile is immutable after a profile object
  is created. The only way to "update" a profile is to create a new

* Added command 'senlin-manage service list' to show the status of

* Added command 'senlin-manage service clean' to clean the dead
  engine records.

* Add support to update image property of a Nova server.

* Added support to updating network properties of a nova server.

* Both image ID and image name are supported when creating
  os.nova.server profile.

Upgrade Notes

* Database tables have to be recreated as we have removed soft-
  delete support from both the DB layer and the engine layer.

* Senlin API has removed 'tenant_id' from its endpoint. This means
  users have to recreate their keystone endpoints if they have an old

* Webhook abstraction is removed. New usage model of webhooks is
  through the 'receiver' abstraction.

* Node actions NODE_JOIN and NODE_LEAVE are removed from API

* Removed cluster policy enable/disable support. We will use more
  generic interface cluster policy update for these use cases.

* Removed permission property from profiles. We will devise a RBAC
  mechanism as an alternative.

* Status *DELETED* is removed from clusters and nodes.

* Timestamp fields like 'created_time' and 'udpated_time' are
  renamed to 'created_at' and 'updated_at' respectively.

* As a side-effect of the rework of action dependency, a new table
  has been added to the database.

* Senlin binaries are all made as console script entries.

Bug Fixes

* When referenced objects are not found in an API request, 400 is
  returned now.

* Reworked action status check so that a cluster action will always
  return from WAITING status.

* Fixed profile type checking error when attaching affinity policy.

* Fixed parsing of default values for 'max_size' and 'min_size'
  properties of a cluster.

* Fixed race condition in service deletion.

* Fixed APIs that spawn asynchronous operations to return 202 as
  status code.

* Fixed a bug related to setting the next_index property of a
  cluster after new nodes have joined or existing nodes have left.

* Fixed cluster-list function so that 'global-project' can be

* Removed useless parameters ('user', 'project', etc.) from
  filtering when listing clusters.

* Added parameter sanitization for cluster-policy-attach.

* Fixed RC/role checking in the setup-service script.

* Enforce multi-tenancy checking when a non-admin user attempting to
  list resources from projects other than that of the requesting user.

* Fixed a bug related to using the 'name' property of a nova server

* Fixed parameter checking when listing resources, such as sort and

* Added parameter checking for policy-create API calls.

* Added parameter checking for cluster-policy-detach API invocation.

* Added parameter checking for cluster-policy-update API invocation.

* Reworked action dependency to avoid indefinite waiting problem.

* Fixed trust usage when interacting with keystone. This enables
  senlin to be deployed on a Juno version OpenStack.

Other Notes

* DB isolation level defaults to READ_COMMITTED in order to solve
  concurrency problems encountered in action dependency checking.

* Added documentation for senlin.policy.deletion-v1.0.

* Added configuration option for enforcing name uniqueness.

* Added documentation for lb policy, affinity policy, scaling
  policy, zone placement policy and region placement policy.

* Senlin API documentation merged into api-site and published.

* Added user documentation for 'receiver'.

* Added developer documentation for 'receiver'.

* Removed documentation for 'webhook'.

* The property 'priority' and 'level' are removed from policy

* Command *senlin-manage purge_deleted* is removed.

* Ensure there is no underscores ('_') in resource names exposed
  through RESTful API

* User documentation for events and actions have been added.

* User documentation (including developer docs) are published on
  official site.

Changes in senlin

4da9639 Fix event generation

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

senlin/engine/event.py | 9 ++++++++-
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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