[openstack-announce] [release][mistral] mistral 2.0.0 release (mitaka)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Apr 7 07:51:22 UTC 2016

We are delighted to announce the release of:

mistral 2.0.0: Mistral Project

This release is part of the mitaka release series.

For more details, please see below.


Pre-installed Mistral docker image is now available to get quick idea
of Mistral.

Tempest plugin has been implemented. Now Mistral tests can be run from
Mistral repo as well as from Tempest repo.

Actions of several OpenStack services are supported out of the box in
Mitaka, including Barbican, Cinder(V2), Swift, Trove, Zaqar and

New Features

* Add support for workflow sharing feature. users of one project can
  share workflows to other projects using this feature.


Upgrade Notes

* During an upgrade to Mitaka, operators or administrators need to
  run "python tools/get_action_list.py <service name>" command to
  generate service action names and values for updating
  "mistral/actions/openstack/mapping.json", then, run "python
  tools/sync_db.py" to populate database. Please note, some services
  like Neutron, Swift, Zaqar don't support the command yet.

Deprecation Notes

* Usage of workflow name in the system(e.g. creating
  executions/cron- triggers , workfow CRUD operations, etc.) is
  deprecated, please use workflow UUID instead. The workflow sharing
  feature can only be used with workflow UUID.

Security Issues

* [bug 1521802 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1521802)]
  Fixing the problem that sometimes sub-workflow executions were
  run/saved under the wrong tenant in cron trigger periodic task in
  multi-tenancy deployment.

Bug Fixes

* [bug 1518012 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1518012)]
  [bug 1513456 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1513456)]

  Fix concurrency issues by using READ_COMMITTED

  This release note describes bugs:
     * #1513456 - task stuck in RUNNING state when all action
       executions are finished regarding the problem and the fix.

     * #1518012- WF execution stays in RUNNING although task and
       action executions are in SUCCESS.

  This fix does not require any action from Mistral users and does not
  have any implications other than the bug fix.

  The state of a workflow execution was not updated even when all task
  executions were completed if some tasks finished at the same time as
  other tasks.

  Because we were using our connections with transaction isolation
  level = REPEATABLE_READ - Each process was using a snapshot of the
  DB created at the first read statement in that transaction. When a
  task finished and evaluated the state of all the other tasks it did
  not see the up-to-date state of those tasks - and so, because not
  all tasks were completed - the task did not change the workflow
  execution state.

  Similar behavior happened with multiple action executions under same
  task. On completion, each action execution checked the status of the
  other action executions and did not see the up-to-date state of
  these action execution - causing task execution to stay in RUNNING

  The solution is to change DB transaction isolation level from
  REPEATABLE_READ to READ_COMMITTED so process A can see changes
  committed in other transactions even if process A is in the middle
  of a transaction.

  A short explanation regarding the different isolation levels:


    REPEATABLE_READ - while in transaction, the first read operation
    to the DB creates a snapshot of the entire DB so you are guarantee
    that all the data in the DB will remain the same until the end of
    the transaction.

    REPEATABLE_READ example:
       * ConnectionA selects from tableA in a transaction.

       * ConnectionB deletes all rows from tableB in a transaction.

       * ConnectionB commits.

       * ConnectionA loops over the rows of tableA and fetches from
         tableB using the tableA_tableB_FK - ConnectionA will get rows
         from tableB.


    READ_COMMITTED - while in a transaction, every query to the DB
    will get the committed data.

    READ_COMMITTED example:
       * ConnectionA starts a transaction.

       * ConnectionB starts a transaction.

       * ConnectionA insert row to tableA and commits.

       * ConnectionB insert row to tableA.

       * ConnectionB selects tableA and gets two rows.

       * ConnectionB commits / rollback.

  Two good articles about isolation levels are:
     * Differences between READ-COMMITTED and REPEATABLE-READ
       transaction isolation levels

     * MySQL performance implications of InnoDB isolation modes

Changes in mistral

1293ea5 Fixing issue with different versions of oslo_messaging

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

mistral/engine/rpc.py | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

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