[openstack-announce] release version history now available on-line

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Mon Sep 14 22:29:02 UTC 2015

This cycle we have changed the release numbering scheme for OpenStack
projects so that each project uses its own number series. This makes
it easier for projects to release independently, which is important
since we have dissolved the old “integrated release” concept.
However, this makes it more difficult to find which versions of a
given project map to a given release cycle.

Earlier this cycle we introduced the openstack/releases repository
for requesting releases of projects managed by the release team.
One of the goals for having that information tracked in a single
place was to be able to publish it, and that is now done.

For each release series, we have the version numbers for all managed
service and library projects, as well as the SHA where the tags
were applied. Visit http://docs.openstack.org/releases and pick the
series you’re interested in to see its current status, the most
recent releases, and history.


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