[Openstack-announce] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Oct 26-Nov 2)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Nov 2 17:41:06 UTC 2012

    Highlights of the week

      Videos of OpenStack Summit Fall 2012 published

The Summit was packed with amazing content, including user stories from 
Cisco WebEx, Living Social and CERN, 100+ developer working sessions and 
two full days of workshops. We now have more than 80 videos ready to 
from the keynotes and breakout presentations:

      What did you like and how would you improve the OpenStack Summit?

We're working hard to make each Summit better than the last. Please help 
us by taking this quick survey about your experience in San Diego 
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OpenStackFall2012> by Friday, November 9.

      Welcome StackMeat.org <http://stackmeat.org/blog/welcome-stackmeatorg>

Born from a personal itch by Márton Kiss, he contributed a central place 
where to find informations about existing projects of wider OpenStack 

      CloudEnvy -- vagrant for OpenStack

What's CloudEnvy? Joe Heck <http://www.rhonabwy.com/wp> says it is "the 
most interesting illustration of CloudEnvy is using it to spin up an 
instance in a cloud, and then run devstack 
<https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack> in that instance."

      EMEA OpenStack Day: Call For Speakers & Prospectus For Sponsors

EMEA OpenStack Day is happening Wednesday, December 5, 2012 in London. 
You can find out more details about the event on the OpenStack Day 
EventBrite <http://emeaopenstackday2.eventbrite.com/> page. Nominations 
are open for speaker presentations. The deadline for speaker submissions 
is November 9, 2012. The sponsor prospectus 
is now available online. There are five available event sponsor packages.

      Multifactor Auth and Keystone

The topic of how to enforce multifactor authentication with Keystone 
tokens came up often during the Design Summit in San Diego. Adam Young 
<http://adam.younglogic.com/> wrote a summary of the discussions. Link 
to the blueprint. 

      PKI tokens and Horizon

With PKI, tokens have gone from 40 byte to 3000.  This plus additional 
payload in Horizon means that they no longer fit inside an HTTP cookie.  
How do we deal with this?

    Tips and tricks

  * By Everett Toews <http://blog.phymata.com/>: Contributing OpenStack
    Support to jclouds
    (Updated to Folsom)

    Upcoming Events

  * OpenStack China Tour: Xi'an
    <http://hui.csdn.net/MeetingInfo.aspx?mid=151> Nov 03, 2012 --
    Xi'an, China Details
  * The Cloud is Open
    <http://www.cyberport.hk/campaign/edm/speaker/edm.html> Nov 06, 2012
    -- Hong Kong Details
  * Hungary User Group Meeting
    Nov 13, 2012 -- Budapest, Hungary Details
  * Swiss OpenStack user group meeting
    <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/82917082/> Nov 15, 2012 --
    Zürich, CH Details <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/82917082/>
  * Australian OpenStack User Group -- Brisbane Technical Meetup
    <http://aosug.openstack.org.au/> Nov 20, 2012 -- Brisbane and other
    cities Details <http://aosug.openstack.org.au/>
  * OpenStack in action!
    <http://openstackinaction3theopenrevolution.eventbrite.com/> Nov 29,
    2012 -- Paris, France Register
  * EMEA OpenStack Day <http://www.openstack.org/> Dec 05, 2012 --
    London Details <http://www.openstack.org/>

    Other news

  * Submit your presentation for the first Australian linux.conf.au
    OpenStack miniconf <http://firedaemon.wufoo.com/forms/z7x2p1/>
  * libvirt 1.0.0 release and 7th birthday
  * Video: How Cisco Webex deploys OpenStack Private Cloud into
  * Mirantis brings OpenStack Cloud to Open Storage Summit 2012
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: skipped this week

    Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this month by:

Melanie Witt, Yahoo!

  * Matthias Runge, RedHat
  * long-wang, CS2C
  * Rainya Mosher, Rackspace
  * James Page, Ubuntu
  * Pedro Navarro Perez,
  * Gerardo Porras, Yahoo!
  * Guang-yee, HP
  * Davanum Srinivas
  * Sathish Nagappan, Nebula
  * galstrom21, Rackspace
  * David Kang, ISI
  * Andrea Rosa, HP
  * jking-6, Internap
  * sathish-nagappan, Nebula
  * Alex Handle
  * Dan Radez, RedHat
  * Michael H Wilson
  * Jolyon Brown
  * Derrick J. Wippler
  * boden, IBM

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the 
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add 
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please 
leave a comment./

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