[legal-discuss] CCLA not available anywhere except the non-printable/non-downloadable esign app?

Hugo Roy hugo at fsfe.org
Thu Feb 5 20:26:22 UTC 2015

↪ 2014-09-06 Sat 00:23, Luis Villa <lvillaatwikimedia.org>:
> Hey, all-
> I was trying to look at the CCLA, and there doesn't appear to be a copy of
> it anywhere other than the e-sign form. Is that deliberate? If not, can it
> be posted somewhere in a downloadable/printable-for-review format?
> And of course, if I'm simply missing it, I'd recommend linking to it from
> the following pages, which is where I looked:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute#Contributors_License_Agreement
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HowToUpdateCorporateCLA
> (The first link has a "preview" of the ICLA but not the CCLA.)


I'm reopening this issue because earlier today, I was trying to
read the Individual CLA but I couldn't find a copy anywhere. I
went as far as registering on Launchpad and on Gerrit where I was
asked to agree to that ICLA without ever getting  the opportunity
to actually read the text, which is quite problematic to say the

Maybe it's somewhere and I just didn't see it, then it should be
more obvious.

Best regards,

Hugo Roy – Free Software Foundation Europe https://fsfe.org/about/roy
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