[legal-discuss] Contribution snag.

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Sun Nov 10 23:31:52 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-06 15:11:44 -0800 (-0800), Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> I'm trying to contribute something and have run into some snags.
> See email below. Steve told me that the Foundation is the one
> needing to receive this. I tried but got no response so I'm
> forwarding it to the legal list.

Thanks! You picked an unfortunate week to raise questions since most
of us are in Hong Kong for our semi-annual conference and design
summit, but I suspect you'll get more responses soon. I'll also
bring this to Stefano Maffulli's attention since he tends to deal
with most of the community interaction on this point.

> I've been looking through the individual contributor level
> agreement and in section 7 it mentions contacting the project
> manager, which I think is you for heat?

The second sentence of the clarifying paragraph at the beginning of
the ICLA defines it as, "OpenStack Foundation as Project manager
(the 'Project Manager')."

>  * I work for a national lab and while the contribution was
>  created by us government funds and owned by the us government, we
>  are operated by a corporation, Battelle and I am technically a
>  Battelle employee. There really isn't an agreement that seems to
>  cover this case other then the individual agreement with a
>  contribution from others.
>  * All parts of the work that aren't derived directly from
>  existing heat-templates has been put in the public domain.

I think the contributors at JHUAPL are in a similar situation and
contribute under a USGCLA, but Stefano should be able to clarify how
that works.
Jeremy Stanley

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