[legal-discuss] Contribution snag.

Richard Fontana rfontana at redhat.com
Wed Dec 4 21:35:19 UTC 2013

On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 03:56:05PM -0500, Richard Fontana wrote:
> Given the obstacles contained in the OpenStack Foundation bylaws IP
> policy to flexibility in handling inbound contributions, I think the
> easiest solution (though not the most desirable one) would be for the
> Executive Director to make "non material amendments" to the Individual
> (and/or Corporate) CLA so that a federal government contractor not
> holding copyright on what is being contributed can use such a
> CLA. 

Or perhaps the Executive Director could non-materially revise the US
Government CLA to have it cover the case of contributions coming in
from contractors?  I realize that might seem to contradict the essence
of my previous response, but the problem I see here is balancing
reduction of contributor red tape against the need for a fair IPR
licensing policy.

 - RF

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