[Fits] F2F later in the week

Rochelle.RochelleGrober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Tue Apr 29 22:13:33 UTC 2014

Which works better for the bay area locals?  Thursday or Friday, and what time?  Where are the IBM team members located?


From: Catherine Cuong Diep [mailto:cdiep at us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 8:50 AM
To: fits at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Fits] Fw: F2F later in the week and Juno Design Summit sessions on Devstack

For the f2f meeting, I can pick up David at the Bart station at Fremont. This will make it easy for David.,   If we plan to meet on Thursday,  would it be in the afternoon since we have the IRC meeting in the morning?  I really think we need a f2f meeting.

Catherine Cuong Diep
High Performance On Demand Solutions
IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, San Jose, California 95141
cdiep at us.ibm.com, Tel: (408) 463-4352  T/L: 543-4352
----- Forwarded by Catherine Cuong Diep/San Jose/IBM on 04/29/2014 08:42 AM -----

From: "Rochelle.RochelleGrober" <rochelle.grober at huawei.com>
To: "fits at lists.openstack.org" <fits at lists.openstack.org>,
Date: 04/28/2014 06:56 PM
Subject: [Fits] F2F later in the week and Juno Design Summit sessions on Devstack


I was just reviewing the Juno summit schedule and there are two Devstack sessions on Friday – the last two of the day.  I think we should have some presence there.  I’m also wondering if we could possibly discuss Tempest/Devstack relationship and design and architectural aspects that get us working better together.

Or, maybe that second discussion would be better in the Tempest/Rally for Juno discussion.  Not sure.

How about a F2F Thursday?  If Dave can get to the Oakland (or Berkeley) Amtrak station, I could any of us could pick him up at Great America stop.  That would most likely be the most straightforward, but also probably the priciest.

There are other options, but I didn’t have the wherewithal to wend through them, not knowing where Dave lives.

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