[Fits] F2F later in the week and Juno Design Summit sessions on Devstack

Rochelle.RochelleGrober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Tue Apr 29 01:56:28 UTC 2014

I was just reviewing the Juno summit schedule and there are two Devstack sessions on Friday - the last two of the day.  I think we should have some presence there.  I'm also wondering if we could possibly discuss Tempest/Devstack relationship and design and architectural aspects that get us working better together.

Or, maybe that second discussion would be better in the Tempest/Rally for Juno discussion.  Not sure.

How about a F2F Thursday?  If Dave can get to the Oakland (or Berkeley) Amtrak station, I could any of us could pick him up at Great America stop.  That would most likely be the most straightforward, but also probably the priciest.

There are other options, but I didn't have the wherewithal to wend through them, not knowing where Dave lives.

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