[OpenStack-DefCore] [interop][defcore][ptl] Intro to creating next Interop (DefCore) guideline

Egle Sigler egle.sigler at rackspace.com
Thu Sep 8 01:52:54 UTC 2016

Hello Everyone,

Interop Working Group (aka DefCore Committee) is starting to work on the next guideline. The next guideline will be published on 2017.01, but before then, we need to evaluate and score additional components to see if they should be added to the guideline. What is scoring? How does a component get added to the guideline? Will your favorite project be added to the next guideline? We are going to have a google hangout session on Friday and Chris Hoge will answer all these questions. The session will be recorded, so if you are not able to attend it, you can watch it later.

Event Page: https://plus.google.com/events/cuejgn5k8keg0j0c11qi3k4j15c
YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDn4jj0iSK8

Reading list for those that would like to prepare questions ahead of time:
   *   Hacking: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/HACKING.rst
   *   Scoring: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/working_materials/scoring.txt
   *   Lexicon: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/doc/source/process/Lexicon.rst
   *   Core Criteria: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/doc/source/process/CoreCriteria.rst
   *   Core Definition: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/doc/source/process/CoreDefinition.rst
   *   Designated Sections: https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/doc/source/process/DesignatedSections.rst

As always, we are available to answer questions on #openstack-defcore IRC channel or defcore-committee at lists.openstack.org mailing list.

Thank you,
Egle Sigler
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