[OpenStack-DefCore] [interop-challenge] Workload Results - OVH

Jean-Daniel Bonnetot jean-daniel.bonnetot at corp.ovh.com
Tue Oct 18 17:17:23 UTC 2016

1.) Your name: Jean-Daniel Bonnetot
2.) Your email: jean-daniel.bonnetot at corp.ovh.com
3.) Reporting on behalf of Company/Organization: OVH  
4.) Name and version (if applicable) of the product you tested: Public Cloud
5.) Version of OpenStack the product uses: Kilo/Juno
6.) Link to RefStack results for this product: https://refstack.openstack.org/#/results/fdbfc291-4801-4314-b852-1e3223e4cf2b
7.) Workload 1: LAMP Stack with Ansible (http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/osops-tools-contrib/tree/ansible/lampstack)
  A.) Did the workload run successfully? Yes
8.) Workload 2: Docker Swarm with Terraform (http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/osops-tools-contrib/tree/terraform/dockerswarm-coreos)
  A.) Did the workload run successfully? Not tested
9.) Workload 3: NFV (URL TBD)
  A.) Did the workload run successfully? Not tested

Jean-Daniel Bonnetot
ovh.com | @pilgrimstack

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