[OpenStack-DefCore] [interop-challenge] Workload Results

Mark Voelker mvoelker at vmware.com
Fri Oct 14 16:17:17 UTC 2016

>         (1) Database VM trying to install scsitools (without a prior apt-get update) fails

Ah, so the apt-cache wasn’t initialized here because it was a newly booted VM I imagine—good catch.  This would be easy to deal with in the ansible code itself I’d think:


At Your Service,

Mark T. Voelker

> On Oct 14, 2016, at 6:53 AM, D.Ebert at t-systems.com wrote:
> 1.) Your name:  Daniela Ebert
> 2.) Your email:  d.ebert at t-systems.com
> 3.) Reporting on behalf of Company/Organization:  T-Systems International GmbH
> 4.) Name and version (if applicable) of the product you tested: Open Telekom Cloud based on Huawei FusionSphere OpenStack
> 5.) Version of OpenStack the product uses: Juno
> 6.) Link to RefStack results for this product: https://refstack.openstack.org/#/results/206476ee-a365-4222-9e9d-3bc8275bc6c0 (2016-01 COMPUTE)
> 7.) Workload 1: LAMP Stack with Ansible (https://github.com/openstack/osops-tools-contrib)
>   A.) Did the workload run successfully? Yes.
>   B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?  Please copy/paste them here and provide any context you think would help us
> understand what happened. 
>         (1) Database VM trying to install scsitools (without a prior apt-get update) fails
>          (2) Flavor Name from Config File not referenced in roles/apply/tasks/main.yml
>         (3) SSH to VMs failed (ssh connection reset)
>   C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this product?  If so, please describe.  Examples: the product is missing a feature that the workload assumes is available, the product limits an action by policy that the workload requires, the workload assumes a particular image type or processor architecture, etc. 
>         (1) we just injected “package_upgrade: true” into roles/apply/templates/userdata.j2
>         (2) Changed “roles/apply/tasks/main.yml”:
>                 OLD: flavor: "{{ openstack_flavors[0].id }}"
>                 NEW: flavor: "{{ app_env.flavor_name }}"
>         (3) Subnet should be created by neutron (or postprocessed with neutron to inject a gateway_ip, if created by API)
>   D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what would need to be done?
>   N/A
> 8.) Workload 2: Docker Swarm with Terraform (http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/osops-tools-contrib/tree/terraform/dockerswarm-coreos)
>   A.) Did the workload run successfully? Didn’t try.
>   B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?  Please copy/paste them here and provide any context you
> think would help us understand what happened. 
>   N/A
>   C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this product?  If so, please describe.  Examples: the product is missing a feature that the workload assumes is available, the product limits an action by policy that the workload requires, the workload assumes a particular image type or processor architecture, etc. 
>   N/A
>   D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what would need to be done?
>   N/A
> 9.) Workload 3: NFV (URL TBD)
>   A.) Did the workload run successfully?  Didn't try it.
>   B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?  Please copy/paste them here and provide any context you think would help us understand what happened. 
>   N/A 
>   C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this product?  If so, please describe.  Examples: the
> product is missing a feature that the workload assumes is available, the product limits an action by policy that the workload requires, the workload assumes a particular image type or processor architecture, etc.
>   N/A
>   D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what would need to be done?
>   N/A
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