[OpenStack-DefCore] [interop-challenge] Workload results

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 13 12:40:58 UTC 2016

1.) Your name:  James Page
2.) Your email: james.page at canonical.com
3.) Reporting on behalf of Company/Organization:  Canonical
4.) Name and version (if applicable) of the product you tested: Ubuntu
Newton on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
5.) Version of OpenStack the product uses:  Newton
6.) Link to RefStack results for this product:



7.) Workload 1: LAMP Stack with Ansible (
  A.) Did the workload run successfully? yes (with modifications)
  B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?
Please copy/paste them here and provide any context you think would help us
understand what happened.

See below

  C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this product?
If so, please describe.  Examples: the product is missing a feature that
the workload assumes is available, the product limits an action by policy
that the workload requires, the workload assumes a particular image type or
processor architecture, etc.

The environment where I performed the tests has limited network egress to
the Internet; I have a branch in-flight to allow the test to be performed
with network resources required locally downloadable (from a swift
deployment for example).

  D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this
workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what would
need to be done?

I'll submit a review ASAP!

I also tried the playbook with a Ubuntu 16.04 image, however the lack of
python2 on test images causes the tests to fail.

8.) Workload 2: Docker Swarm with Ansible (
  A.) Did the workload run successfully? yes (but not in a single run)

  B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?
Please copy/paste them here and provide any context you think would help us
understand what happened.

This error occurred a few times - re-running the playbook resolved the
issue in each case

TASK [prov_apply : Start services]
changed: [swarmnode2]
changed: [swarmnode3]
fatal: [swarmnode1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ssh \"
core at\" \"sh keys/bootstrap.sh\"", "delta": "0:00:43.061979",
"end": "2016-10-13 11:04:19.176375", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start":
"2016-10-13 11:03:36.114396", "stderr": "Warning: Permanently added
'' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nSignature
ok\nsubject=/CN=docker-client\nGetting CA Private Key\nJob for
swarm-manager.service failed because the control process exited with error
code. See \"systemctl status swarm-manager.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\"
for details.", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}

This error looks like coreos not picking up the SSH keys correctly (note
password prompt) - this was not resolvable by re-running:

TASK [prov_apply : Transfer configureation]
changed: [swarmnode1]
changed: [swarmnode2]

  C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this product?
If so, please describe.  Examples: the product is missing a feature that
the workload assumes is available, the product limits an action by policy
that the workload requires, the workload assumes a particular image type or
processor architecture, etc.


  D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this
workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what would
need to be done?

Not being that familiar with coreos, it looks like issues in the workload
rather than in the cloud itself causing the test failures I encountered.



James Page
Technical Architect
OpenStack Engineering, Canonical
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