[OpenStack-DefCore] [interop-challenge] I started an Interop Challenge postmortem (Lessons Learned, Deliverables, Next Steps) please contribute to it

Brad Topol btopol at us.ibm.com
Sat Oct 8 13:56:10 UTC 2016

Hi Everyone,

I started an Interop Challenge postmortem to capture our Lessons Learned,
Deliverables, Next Steps, etc.  Please everyone who participated in the
Interop Challenge contribute to this effort.
Here is the etherpad I created for this effort.


Also, I will not be able to lead next Wednesdays Interop Challenge meeting
due to a holiday.  So we can still have the meeting if someone else wants
to lead it or folks can just use the time back to contribute to the
postmortem document.



Brad Topol, Ph.D.
IBM Distinguished Engineer
(919) 543-0646
Internet:  btopol at us.ibm.com
Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680
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