Hi interop-challenge team! I'm now trying to run "3-Tier LAMP Sample Heat Template"[1] against our(HPE Helion) OpenStack environment. But it was failed. So I have some questions about this. 1. I think we should not modify these templates for the interop-challenge testing. Am I right? 2. Are these templates for Mitaka version? 3. In the Liberty version, LBaaS v1 is already deprecated[2]. So, why do we need to use LBaaS v1 in this template? I'm not complaining about this, I just want to know the intention and how to pass this tests. [1] https://github.com/openstack/osops-tools-contrib/tree/master/heat/lamp [2] http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/networking-guide/config-lbaas.html Thanks, -- Masayuki Igawa