[OpenStack-DefCore] Interop - Guideline Rename Workstream

Egle Sigler ushnishtha at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 6 23:02:03 UTC 2016

Hello Luz,

Thank you for working on this! I think "OpenStack Interoperability Guidelines" or just "Interoperability Guidelines" would work, but I am also interested to hear what others think.

Thank you,


From: Cazares, Luz <luz.cazares at intel.com>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 12:43 PM
To: defcore-committee at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [OpenStack-DefCore] Interop - Guideline Rename Workstream

Hello Everyone,

As part of our rename work stream, we need a standard way to refer to the guidelines provided by this group.

As we discussed in our last meeting [1]. "DefCore Guidelines" was a very specific name pointing to the guidelines from this group... so we need something at this level with the new name (not open to interpretation).

Some ideas:

·         OpenStack Interop Guidelines

·         Interoperability Guidelines

·         Interop WG Guidelines

·         Add label "Oficial" to differentiate our guideline from any other custom interop guideline.

Please let me know your comments, concerns or any question (if any).

[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/defcore/2016/defcore.2016-11-30-16.00.log.txt

Thanks, Regards

Luz Cazares
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