[OpenStack-DefCore] Recommended tempest.conf settings

Gema Gomez gema.gomez-solano at linaro.org
Wed Aug 17 17:01:08 UTC 2016

Hi all,

we are going to be writing a recommendation document on how to configure 
tempest to be able to run the interop tests. The idea is to lower the 
entry barrier for end users to be able to run the interop tests.

We have created an etherpad where some notes have started to appear:

If you could please share your notes there I will run through some tests 
to validate that the options and sane and write a document explaining 
how to configure tempest for newbies. Share what you have, I will make 
sense of it all and unify it.

Thanks in advance!

On 16/08/16 18:37, Gema Gomez wrote:

> Hi,
> I remember we discussed during the midcycle about the recommended
> tempest.conf and hogepoge and catherine had very solid definite
> recommendations for it.
> If you could share them I'd like to put some document together for our
> repo or for RefStack, wherever it belongs, with the recommendations.
> Cheers,
> Gema

Gema Gomez-Solano
Tech Lead, SDI
Linaro Ltd
IRC: gema@#linaro on irc.freenode.net

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