[OpenStack-DefCore] Clarification requested in defcore process

Joe Savak joe.savak at RACKSPACE.COM
Wed Feb 4 21:47:29 UTC 2015

Howdy defcore - I apologize if these have already been answered -

1)      When do icehouse-core capabilities become "defcore" and accepted?

2)      Based on  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ags6GY_6T6qqdDBFOUNfdGs1VF85NmU3WjZXeFd3bGc&usp=sharing#gid=6 (which I  think may be a work-in-progress), the only identity capability candidate rated high is <identity-non-admin-roles>, but that doesn't seem to have any tests: https://github.com/stackforge/refstack/blob/master/defcore/icehousecore.json#L1449. Am I reading that right as a gap?


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