# DefCore Scale.12 **** WE NEED HELP ADVERTISING THE DEFCORE COMMUNITY SESSIONS **** Send people to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreScale.Community # Summary * We reviewed the status of the 2015A Process and felt that we're on track for Board approval in Vancouver * We are holding community meetings on 4/21 at 8 & 8 (working on presentation 4/17 @ 9 PT) * We are discussing processes to make sure that we can manage & track tests in a consistent way * We are working on an update to the 2015.next schema that reflects these discussions 2015, April 15 @ 9am PT Previous: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreScale.11 Following: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreScale.13 #Roll Call Chris Hoge (OpenStack Foundation) Van Lindberg (Rackpace) Alan Clark (SUSE) Rocky Grober (Huawei) Vince Brunssen (IBM) Catherine Diep (IBM) Egle Sigler (Co-Chair, Rackspace) Rob HIrschfeld (Cochair, RackN) #Agenda TC meeting feedback DefCore presentation decks 2015.next update Identity tests for 2015.05 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169655/ Update to JSON Schema https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171427/ Add RST validator to repository (tox test) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172497/ Which issues to defer until after Vancover # TC review * Some process questions around testing * Largely positive feedback # Defcore Presentation Decks https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QG765Hq37hPAmBkJlFHWyn2vXG_jaVu6iKTtrzIvlME/edit Friday April 17 9 AM PDT Work Session https://join.me/641-284-583 Tuesday April 21 8 AM CDT Tuesday April 21 8 PM CDT See https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreScale.Community # 2015.next update Items from previous meeting Reassociation of tests with capabilities What to do about test and capability drift Identify source upstream Use upstream tag, other SHA 2015.next identifying upstream repository by commit SHA Moving tests into appropriate capabilities, deleting capabilities without tests More granularity to add tests over time Match tests to capabilities Test exists for at least one cycle of standard Not necessary to be advisory, but needs to have some existence. Adding tests needs to happen through Gerrit. Spent 20 minutes talking about Guideline Schema changes -- Rob ____________________________ Rob Hirschfeld, 512-773-7522 I am in CENTRAL (-6) time http://robhirschfeld.com twitter: @zehicle, github: cloudedge & ravolt