[OpenStack-DefCore] Please review, results from Designated Sections review w/ recommendations. +1s needed

Rob_Hirschfeld at Dell.com Rob_Hirschfeld at Dell.com
Wed Aug 20 16:56:45 UTC 2014

+1 on the points and rationale discussed at the end of your email (snipped).

So how will the contract language re: requirements change as defcore, the board, and community arrive at a consensus on “what’s next”?  Here’s what i expect:

  *   It is my expectation that A) will stay as-is.  "A primary purpose of your product must be to run a functioning operational instance of the OpenStack software.” We could tweak it but I think it’s pretty clear.
  *   It is my expectation that c) will stay as-is "You must clearly state which OpenStack projects and versions are used to set customer expectations, in a way that is conspicuous to customers.”

  *   And that everything under b, which deals with capabilities/code/apis today will be re-written to reflect the required capabilities, APIs, and code inclusion once those are approved (note that Icehouse is the first expected enforceable version, as the Havana stuff being discussed today is “advisory” meaning it wouldn’t be a contract requirement). I am working on this language in conjunction with our trademark attorney (with placeholders for the actual things that are in or out, pending a decision there) and will socialize it with the ecosystem and defcore.  We might actually want to take the specificity out of the agreement itself and point instead to a web page where the details are posted, so that we can get this moving faster and not over burden the agreement itself.
  *   My expectation is that d) will be re-written to more accurately reflect the expected testing requirements and mechanisms.  Frankly, if we just put the tests  and steps up on the page OpenStack.org/FITS<http://OpenStack.org/FITS> then I’m not sure how much change this language needs. That said, we should decide if this is still the standard for freshness and re-testing we want to have "Your product will be required to pass the current FITS test on an annual basis, which will generally require you to be running either of the latest two software releases. “
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