[ironic] bifrost 4.0.1 (pike)
We jubilantly announce the release of: bifrost 4.0.1: Deployment of physical machines using OpenStack Ironic and Ansible This release is part of the pike release series. Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/bifrost/ For more details, please see below. Changes in bifrost 4.0.0..4.0.1 ------------------------------- 3ab2358 Fix bug in setting dns servers 3cef59a Clean up zuul files 10dd562 Change perms for the VM logs 38c019a Correct minor pike branch config issues c794546 Cleanup stable branch backport for CI de9604a Move legacy bifrost jobs in-tree 565704c Fix the dhcp checks on centos c50b918 Fix bug in ironic policy 18f57f9 Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike 524b6f2 Update .gitreview for stable/pike Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitreview | 1 + .../bifrost-integration-dhcp-centos-7/post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../bifrost-integration-dhcp-centos-7/run.yaml | 73 ++++++++++++++++ .../post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../bifrost-integration-dhcp-opensuse-423/run.yaml | 74 +++++++++++++++++ .../legacy/bifrost-integration-dhcp/post.yaml | 15 ++++ playbooks/legacy/bifrost-integration-dhcp/run.yaml | 73 ++++++++++++++++ .../post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../run.yaml | 74 +++++++++++++++++ .../post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../run.yaml | 74 +++++++++++++++++ .../bifrost-integration-dibipa-debian/post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../bifrost-integration-dibipa-debian/run.yaml | 73 ++++++++++++++++ .../bifrost-integration-tinyipa-centos-7/post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../bifrost-integration-tinyipa-centos-7/run.yaml | 73 ++++++++++++++++ .../post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../run.yaml | 73 ++++++++++++++++ .../legacy/bifrost-integration-tinyipa/post.yaml | 15 ++++ .../legacy/bifrost-integration-tinyipa/run.yaml | 72 ++++++++++++++++ playbooks/library/network_metadata.py | 2 +- .../tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml | 4 +- .../roles/bifrost-ironic-install/defaults/main.yml | 6 +- .../bifrost-ironic-install/files/ironic_policy.te | 2 +- .../bifrost-ironic-install/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 9 ++ .../bifrost-prep-for-install/defaults/main.yml | 10 +-- .../roles/bifrost-test-dhcp/files/test-dhcp.py | 11 ++- playbooks/test-bifrost.yaml | 2 +- scripts/collect-test-info.sh | 12 +++ tox.ini | 2 +- zuul.d/legacy-bifrost-jobs.yaml | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++ zuul.d/project.yaml | 25 ++++++ 31 files changed, 960 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
participants (1)