tripleo-validations 14.1.0 (wallaby)
We are excited to announce the release of: tripleo-validations 14.1.0: A collection of Ansible playbooks to detect and report potential issues during TripleO deployments This release is part of the wallaby release series. The source is available from: Download the package from: Please report issues through: For more details, please see below. Changes in tripleo-validations 14.0.0..14.1.0 --------------------------------------------- abea077 Adding backup-and-restore validation group 6befef2 Add groups.yaml to the openstack-tox-jobs files d9f9f4e Exposing default variables in playbook 7e5f0ac Validation should use the public endpoint b63d45a Make tls_everywhere validations compatible with ansible_facts 8c785e4 Removal of osc-lib 040fd04 More detail in arg validation f840eb6 Minor test improvement for ceph_pools_pg_protection 59fdd2d Test folder structure rearranged. 64994c7 Exceptions constraints improved 6a5f76b Superfluous arg removed af9f86a Rename Dockerfile.j2 to Dockerfile aa8d53b Use a more targeted job for tripleo-validations 36b5c70 check-ram is not compat w/ upstream c5cd9b7 Zuul runs tests in py36 only a7b7152 Coverage considers other all main source folders, omits tests 79955d1 Coverage now uses stestr. 9808650 Remove RoleNames ansible-lint custom rule eb21b9d Add new tripleo-latest-packages-version playbook 408aec4 Move back to tripleoclient cd99e12 Removes retired services from service status validation c4e7b83 Removes retired services from process count validation 5e9fd43 Remove apk and references from bindep.txt edb1ad9 Introduce tox-ansible to tripleo-validations 9f5b416 Use static inventory for component CI role and clean component list 3573a5f Remove linters dependency from content-provider in gate cce263b Rename system_encoding playbooks. 5bbbd84 Add update roles on several validations. c8e66a8 Python tests are now run trough stestr. d0a4e07 Replace user with openssh_keypair 7db15e5 Trigger molecule tests when modifying CI scripts 52c72cc Activate virtual environment 2850e3a Rename Dockerfile.j2 to Dockerfile 0550d69 Fix unbound variable df0ae71 Fix api call to get_deployment_status cae7d15 Replace exception with bf84c42 Modify find to use -H to support symbolic links 4fc80c6 Introducing the overcloud-service-status role 98791ea [autodoc] guessing converge playbook 67560d3 Optionally fail ceph-health if HEALTH_WARN 0bb6c79 Fix typo in readme file. 6de7349 Fix set by merging two list without duplicate 0bf7951 Fix molecule jobs after release of cryptography3.4 a08c2de Remove six usage in a0b088d Add system encoding to pre-update stage. d2735db Add new Update validation groups. 463ebb7 Add post-deployment frr_status validation d46d61f Fix the get_deployment_status call Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .ansible-lint | 9 + .ansible-lint_rules/ | 57 --- .ansible-lint_rules/ | 6 +- .coveragerc | 8 +- .gitignore | 1 + .pre-commit-config.yaml | 2 +- .stestr.conf | 3 + bindep.txt | 3 +- ci/playbooks/pre.yml | 6 + groups.yaml | 24 + library/ | 14 +- library/ | 4 +- playbooks/ceph-health.yaml | 1 + playbooks/container-status.yaml | 2 + playbooks/frr-status.yaml | 14 + playbooks/healthcheck-service-status.yaml | 1 + playbooks/image-serve.yaml | 1 + playbooks/neutron-sanity-check.yaml | 1 + playbooks/nova-status.yaml | 1 + playbooks/openstack-endpoints.yaml | 2 + playbooks/overcloud-service-status.yaml | 25 ++ playbooks/pacemaker-status.yaml | 1 + playbooks/package-version.yaml | 1 + playbooks/repos.yaml | 1 + .../{system_encoding.yaml => system-encoding.yaml} | 1 + playbooks/tripleo-latest-packages-version.yaml | 15 + playbooks/undercloud-heat-purge-deleted.yaml | 3 +- playbooks/undercloud-ipa-server-check.yaml | 5 +- playbooks/undercloud-service-status.yaml | 3 + ...-overcloud-service-status-128bf74993d035fa.yaml | 8 + ...ed-services-process-count-b5d1d3e9555f445b.yaml | 6 + ...d-services-service-status-8e353ca6219ed921.yaml | 6 + requirements.txt | 1 + role-addition.yml | 11 +- roles/ceph/defaults/main.yml | 1 + roles/ceph/tasks/ceph-health.yaml | 7 + .../config_OK/{Dockerfile.j2 => Dockerfile} | 0 .../molecule/config_OK/molecule.yml | 1 + .../molecule/default/{Dockerfile.j2 => Dockerfile} | 0 .../molecule/default/molecule.yml | 1 + .../{Dockerfile.j2 => Dockerfile} | 0 .../molecule/deprecated_drivers/molecule.yml | 1 + .../{Dockerfile.j2 => Dockerfile} | 0 .../molecule/deprecated_params/molecule.yml | 1 + .../required_missing/{Dockerfile.j2 => Dockerfile} | 0 .../molecule/required_missing/molecule.yml | 1 + roles/frr_status/molecule/default/Dockerfile | 37 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/default/converge.yml | 28 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/default/molecule.yml | 49 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/default/prepare.yml | 44 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/faulty/Dockerfile | 37 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/faulty/converge.yml | 48 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/faulty/molecule.yml | 49 ++ roles/frr_status/molecule/faulty/prepare.yml | 44 ++ roles/frr_status/tasks/main.yml | 33 ++ roles/frr_status/vars/main.yml | 7 + roles/overcloud_service_status/ | 47 ++ roles/overcloud_service_status/defaults/main.yml | 27 ++ .../molecule/default/Dockerfile | 37 ++ .../molecule/default/molecule.yml | 54 +++ .../molecule/deprecated_services/Dockerfile | 37 ++ .../molecule/deprecated_services/molecule.yml | 54 +++ .../molecule/down_services/Dockerfile | 37 ++ .../molecule/down_services/molecule.yml | 54 +++ roles/overcloud_service_status/resources/ | 1 + .../resources/playbooks/converge.yml | 33 ++ .../resources/playbooks/prepare.yml | 12 + .../resources/scripts/ | 173 ++++++++ roles/overcloud_service_status/tasks/main.yml | 48 ++ .../overcloud_service_status/tasks/os_service.yml | 82 ++++ roles/overcloud_service_status/vars/main.yml | 32 ++ roles/tls_everywhere/tasks/common.yaml | 2 +- roles/tls_everywhere/tasks/ipa-server-check.yaml | 4 +- roles/tripleo_validations/defaults/main.yml | 1 + roles/tripleo_validations/tasks/run.yml | 2 +- roles/tripleo_validations/vars/main.yml | 6 +- roles/undercloud_process_count/tasks/main.yml | 9 - roles/undercloud_service_status/defaults/main.yml | 4 - scripts/run-local-test | 23 +- scripts/ | 2 +- scripts/tripleo-ansible-inventory | 22 +- setup.cfg | 13 - test-requirements.txt | 4 + tools/ | 2 +- tox.ini | 34 +- tripleo_validations/ | 21 - tripleo_validations/ | 55 --- tripleo_validations/ | 494 --------------------- tripleo_validations/ | 2 +- zuul.d/base.yaml | 9 + zuul.d/layout.yaml | 24 +- zuul.d/molecule.yaml | 138 ++++++ 105 files changed, 1708 insertions(+), 1015 deletions(-) Requirements updates -------------------- diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 4acdf4e..7c0b81b 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -12,0 +13 @@ python-ironic-inspector-client>=3.1.1 # Apache-2.0 +python-tripleoclient>=15.0.0 # Apache-2.0 diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt index 81ee12b..fa524d1 100644 --- a/test-requirements.txt +++ b/test-requirements.txt @@ -16,0 +17,4 @@ pre-commit # MIT +stestr>=3.0.1 # Apache-2.0 +mock>=4.0.3 # BSD +requests-mock>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-tripleoclient>=15.0.0 # Apache-2.0
participants (1)