We are excited to announce the release of: ovn-octavia-provider 1.2.0: OpenStack Octavia integration with OVN This release is part of the xena stable release series. The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/ovn-octavia-provider/ Please report issues through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs For more details, please see below. 1.2.0 ^^^^^ Bug Fixes * Creating members without specifying a subnet ID is now supported. Since the subnet ID is an optional API argument, if not given the provider driver will now attempt to look it up via the pool ID that is a required argument. Changes in ovn-octavia-provider 1.1.1..1.2.0 -------------------------------------------- 770ce89 Fix jobs after tox4 upgrade fb5b0bd Uncouple HM status of member statuses 0fbb224 Fix listener provisioning_status after HM created/deleted 130ed10 Make clear distinction between health check and health monitor ccfcf6e Ensure HM updates work as expected 7055f43 Add support for HM on a fullypopulated load balancers 92b5e50 Ensure OVN-LB is properly configured upon LS removal from LR 1a21b7d Optimization for find_ls_for_lr 25ab8ba Ensure LB are removed from LS not connected to the LB LR 4f4c80c Ensure lbs are properly configured for router gateway set/unset 99fcea1 Avoid LB ERROR status on delete when LS/LR are already deleted 429f6c6 Capture port deleted event associated to HM ServiceMonitor 58e6059 Fix healthMonitor events affecting to unrelated LB f8de811 Ensure members without subnet belong to VIP subnet or fail d052e39 Fix IPv6 member delete on batch operation aae410f Delete vip port if create_vip_port raise exception b006d52 Apply ServiceMonitorEvent to affected LBs b2c2651 Fix way of calculate LB status after HM event cbef0f8 Fix Load balancer remains on PENDING_CREATE 620662d Fix request to OVN NB DB API 4222dc1 Use python3-devel in bindep for rpm distros 94605e8 Increase code coverage 8861f95 Avoid loadbalancer stuck in PENDING_X if delete_vip_port fails 3975bb7 Fix deletion of members without subnet_id 3acaa77 Fix zuul templates for functional and tempest tests afa74b4 Remove incorrect character in f-string fb121e5 Retry logical switch associations to load balancers 9ba304d Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks 23edaa9 Add support for fullypopulated load balancers 0896d5f Support creating members without a subnet ID 63a6a21 Check gateway IP while looking for LR plugged to LS bdfe09f Set listeners back to ACTIVE upon pool/member action failures 051ec71 Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/xena 8b23aee Update .gitreview for stable/xena 9ee0059 [Stable only] Fix CI jobs Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitreview | 1 + bindep.txt | 2 +- lower-constraints.txt | 146 -- ovn_octavia_provider/common/constants.py | 8 + ovn_octavia_provider/common/utils.py | 11 +- ovn_octavia_provider/driver.py | 126 +- ovn_octavia_provider/event.py | 9 +- ovn_octavia_provider/hacking/checks.py | 2 +- ovn_octavia_provider/helper.py | 1061 +++++++++----- playbooks/run_functional_job.yaml | 2 - ...r-create-without-subnetid-0b4e3aa6ac453f28.yaml | 7 + tox.ini | 32 +- zuul.d/base.yaml | 30 +- zuul.d/project.yaml | 6 +- 20 files changed, 2728 insertions(+), 773 deletions(-)
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