We jubilantly announce the release of: heat 10.0.0: OpenStack Orchestration This release is part of the queens release series. Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/heat/ For more details, please see below. Changes in heat ---------------------------------- 002f673 Update .stestr.conf with the group_regex 1131fd1 Imported Translations from Zanata 3493d9a Allow iteration over files dict before template stored f8f7c32 Handle non-stored stack in resource group 590f3a0 Fix convergence unit tests for py36 777663a Imported Translations from Zanata 40a32f8 Unit tests: Fix broken Monasca client test 7ec0a70 Pass mistral execution argument by name cbcc15b Don't load nested stack to get ResourceGroup blacklist 3e51547 Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/queens 8641ecb Update .gitreview for stable/queens bee961a Sync releasenote for Queens 09d74ff Prioritise resource deletion over creation 8963ea8 Handle data inconsistency in grouputils 33bd97d Change note for version/release from releasenotes f91686c Fix coverage run with tox -ecover 38b961d Fix hot_spec.rst in Template Guide e4b711d Remove old import path in barbican c145cb0 Imported Translations from Zanata 8a8c595 Imported Translations from Zanata b9d7d1e Update openstacksdk construction 155ce3b Zuul: Remove project name 164a8ab Fix senlin/sdk client plugin unit tests bfa34fe Fix some docstrings for octavia resources f62167f Remove heat-api-cloudwatch from man pages list 8b353e9 Updated from global requirements d3ea291 Cleanup remaning doc for CloudWatch API b66fec6 zun: add property mount to container 41605aa Replace random with SystemRandom for RandomString 36e53d3 Fix for None base_url for Monasca client 0851d4e Imported Translations from Zanata ac3670e Fix senlinclient plugin da393a2 Update test image 7b56e0e Remove OS::Heat::HARestarter 868c334 Move CooldownMixin tests to group test modules 0558b10 Remove use of CooldownMixin with scaling policy 8db1b3e Remove stack watch service 5bd8566 Remove use of heat_watch_server_url 6d55417 Remove CloudWatch API 1617aad zun: add hostname, hints and security_groups fbbb8f0 Updated from global requirements 94bf3a5 Restore functional test jobs 76891d4 Remove ReloadOnSighupTest aed1e6f Remove integration and configuration tests ba86129 Remove potential co-gating integration tests 9a5252a docs: fix user-data end user guide link 5538fa9 Imported Translations from Zanata 17307b4 Add scenario002 tripleo jobs to experimental pipeline 9154fda Remove RH1 OVB jobs from configuration aad02c2 Updated from global requirements 946c576 Add octavia L7Rule Resource cab4258 Add octavia L7Policy Resource a56e1aa Allow octavia specific client config options a69c2f4 fix a typo in heat-manage.rst: s/covergence/convergence/ f4a9e9c Exclude updated networks - match actual interface state ac87bc7 Get ResourceGroup/Chain attributes from nested stack outputs 734c448 Unit tests: test ResourceChain attributes better aa206f6 Unit tests: refactor nested stack attributes tests adcb72b Supply outputs for reference IDs in StackResources 7a046e6 Include outputs in rolling update of ResourceGroup 7711213 Fix resource.<n> attribute caching in ResourceGroup/Chain 4a3a1ad Fix attribute caching in Heat AutoScalingGroup 3ec13d9 Fix attribute caching in SoftwareDeploymentGroup d2bf5ec Remove tests for Interop Tests for add-on trademark program 41cc012 Allow run tests for both tempest plugin and regression tests aabb339 Fix nested template genearation when attribute path is not string b9e397e Updated from global requirements fea2a2a zun: check delete complete for Zun container 59943bd zun: delete container by using 'stop' option da6baad Updated from global requirements 1ac8466 Updated from global requirements 3ddd4e2 Imported Translations from Zanata 5491ea5 Imported Translations from Zanata 31fe5b7 Log when we bail out without checking a resource ccef7e2 Include value in string Property type error 3cd84af Cache the TemplateResource reference ID like an attribute f965ff6 Eliminate errors getting TemplateResource OS::stack_id 41bd6e0 Unit tests: fix absurdly slow tests 842fddb Add project tags to heat orchestration f0ba46a Updated from global requirements b023fa8 Don't load nested stack in batched ResourceGroup ce120bf Avoid loading nested stack in some grouputils functions e570761 Avoid always loading nested stack on update 2785002 Imported Translations from Zanata 7a42ec8 Add removal_policies_mode to ResourceGroup bd8df9a Fix bypass list length check when all values are None 64c37f3 Revert "Register heat tempest plugin" d69afed Enable octavia services for gate testing eb05cac Add octavia HealthMonitor Resource d84798b Add octavia Loadbalancer Resource 6a3a39a Add octavia Listener Resource 512935a Add octavia Pool Resource 3956746 Add octavia PoolMember Resource 3e71efe Remove unused policy cp in devstack 4107b52 Remove policy.json from setup.cfg b636dc1 Imported Translations from Zanata 64b866e Imported Translations from Zanata d078739 Add octavia client plugin and constraints 8b71c58 Match on subnet update_networks_matching_iface_port 07b9b1a Re-factor and improve update_networks_matching_iface_port c874d9d Refactor unit tests for server network 9699553 Fix a typo in tests 2e4a6e2 Use appropriate exception in StackResource.get_output() 622af99 Updated from global requirements 2441a02 Enable to specify network for Trove Cluster 93746a9 Use stestr for unit tests 2572705 Imported Translations from Zanata b53f8e4 Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes 89643db Bypass list length check for None values in repeat function 37bf1ad Don't observe reality if name property is None 222a8ac [policy in code] part 7 add sample and releasenote f2bc379 [policy in code] part 6(cfn, cloudwatch) 81a2e4a Allow reserved status for attach check abc8503 Don't log PolicyNotRegistered when check resource type b0e1827 Protect prepare_update_replace() with resource lock 7454197 Updated from global requirements 0e45db4 [policy in code] part 5 (software-*) 5b98f45 Build heat.conf reproducibly 53f7c59 Updated from global requirements e1a2627 Fix reset_stack_status ee56adb Update Zuul branch limit 58d9b55 Translate networks and subnet in cluster template 51e4f04 [policy in code] part 4 46f0e16 [policy in code] part3 (resource types) 575a45b [policy in code] part 2 (stacks) 664d7c4 Updated from global requirements 41aad45 Ignore resources with non-existent template 6857b7f Avoid RPC call in TemplateResource.get_reference_id() befafa3 Remove SSLMiddleware from oslo.config namespace 31ffa13 Use heat-tempest-plugin in grenade job 0cbfac7 Use heat-tempest-plugin for integration tests 48b9753 Zuul: add file extension to playbook path fedba4d ForceDelete Instance cd038a6 Move grenade multinode job out of experimental 34d592b Add more logging for software deployment updates 9a14f0a Updated from global requirements b171490 [policy in code] Part 1 Base framework 23e06f6 Speed up event listing with nested stacks dbc852b Eager-load properties for nested resource list 746a122 Check swift deployments before update f60311c zuul: add tripleo ovb-ha in experimental pipeline e919b72 Retry on DB deadlock when updating resource c89a17b Refactor CooldownMixin 73355e8 Updated from global requirements 22da551 Use correct raw string format 316b80e Ensure the whole ResourceDefinition is validated 694dac7 Define resource/output definition sections with constants cb80df4 Allow paths as lists in function.validate() 27765bd Updated from global requirements 18880ad Updated from global requirements 313faad Return Environment from validate_template 4696f9c Deprecate OS::Aodh::Alarm 2f941e9 Generate correct name for Sahara cluster a1a0609 Added tags attribute to the template parameter c6d9b07 Updated from global requirements 8a81c61 Imported Translations from Zanata 6c7d059 Add functional tests for stack cancel 8cdfc3b Don't return the sensitive information to user 01b5878 Add REST api support for cancel without rollback 51aed6e Fix logic error in sqlarchemy api 4a14b25 Remove non-updatable attrs from SFC update test 3078246 Updated from global requirements f1ae8f3 Document RBAC Policy allowed values b053c45 noauth: only set token_info if set ced6e44 Downgrade WARNING-level log 1d24d47 Don't try resource-level locks when stack locked 0b572b3 Migrate grenade jobs to zuul v3 3adca03 Set stack.thread_group_mgr for cancel_update 4a30b2f Retrigger new traversals after resource cancellation c9792b9 Create replacement resource atomically 8266599 Migrate functional jobs to Zuul v3 6c86974 Do deep redirects from old docs.openstack.org URLs 93b4551 Fix non-destructive upgrade for deprecated res types in convergence 554add6 Refactor the format_validate_parameter fuction to reduce complexity 92be54c Fix AodhAlarmTest to use gnocchi 8e16c3c Imported Translations from Zanata abdefbf Imported Translations from Zanata 7151b5c Skip AodhAlarmTest b3aaf5c Cleanup ROLLBACK_COMPLETE stack after the test finishes a0dd101 Use argument default None for 'last_evaluated' f2b4c98 Remove cloudwatch service from devstack plugin 14b0451 Move FakeKeystoneClient to engine.clients 40cf089 Check for existing interfaces before adding implicit one 1397100 Replace pycrypto with cryptography dcbaffe Do not validate property network of sahara cluster 8a1ae39 Imported Translations from Zanata 2382f46 Unit tests: Remove deprecated oslo_db test case classes 23c62e3 Unit tests: Don't leave RPC server running 3545caa Unit tests: ensure all threads complete 79cc0cc Don't attempt to update tmpl ID when resource in progress bb330ae Retrigger new traversals after resource timeout 6a9672a Make scheduler.Timeout exception hashable fe45b74 Add integration tests for simultaneous updates 800e0f3 Allow configuring payload of noauth middleware 920d8b7 Raise HTTPNotFound if not in create or adopt f2fd388 Remove SSLMiddleware c0f249d Hidden OS::Designate::Record and OS::Designate::Domain a532535 Correct the filter attribute of db model 'ResourcePropertiesData' c559316 Imported Translations from Zanata 48fcaf3 Raise NotFound() when group member does not exist 7b08cf9 Modify the docstring of method 'check_is_admin' e07fcda Updated from global requirements a4f2dcc Correct example for list_concat-unique function 40377ff Fix regex for updated_time in PATCH update api test cbb754d Remove use of auth cache directory 80b08d7 Remove unused attribute 'RESOURCE_TYPE' for tests 427c344 Add action_wait_secs for update bdade04 Imported Translations from Zanata 691b726 Remove redundant null engine id check 5d43c6c API Tests: Ensure updated_time changes in stack patch update dfd34a0 Allow convergence-specific Tempest tests 54ac107 Fix get_watch_server_url for ipv6 addresses 9762cc6 Skip test_notifications.NotificationTest.* functional tests 47940c0 Increase interface detach polling period 78fb3c4 Add release note for StackDefinition API 13cd27a Make private flavor tenant access works 4a6aecc Fix translate tenants in flavor 6a176a2 Use a namedtuple for convergence graph nodes d64de0e Don't use Dependencies repr in tests 166ac78 Increase interface detach polling period af0feeb Ignore errors in OS::stack_id output f1961c7 Use show_output in TemplateResource.get_reference_id() 9b5f663 Don't load resource data for list_outputs 49d833f Speed up show-stack with outputs in legacy path 05ea6df Replace SCREEN_LOGDIR with LOGDIR 5213763 Add attributes schema for OS::Keystone::Project a8af89e Make sure we can get watch server url in uwsgi mode 4f4932c Defer exceptions in calculating node_data() b27392f Updated from global requirements 63f6a71 Fix unit tests with oslo_messaging 5.32.0 e5e352f Add default configuration files to data_files a322a29 Refactor FloatingIP add_dependencies() method 127aaef Update incorrect timezone description eba0b5e Updated from global requirements 6121495 Improve update_wait_condition_handle docstring d9bd5f5 Fix client plugin name when calling ignore_not_found 1861ad8 Remove the existing snapshots from the backend f3ea69a Updated from global requirements d14d920 Avoid cloudwatch endpoint retrieve when disabled a1c81b0 Don't override get_reference_id() for scaling policy 668799d Updated from global requirements 3089880 Don't mock Target unnecessarily 6a18fb0 Support property 'domain' for keystone role 4d44000 Add support for tagging Mistral workflows 86b75f4 Updated from global requirements 1eeebeb Add missing 'of' in order description b93e3c6 Check for keystoneauth exceptions in mistral client plugin 6b22300 Don't remove uwsgi config files on stop 584a5b0 Remove vestigate HUDSON_PUBLISH_DOCS reference 4cd3c2c Updated from global requirements 6a1c6e6 Add sem-ver flag so pbr generates correct version 72be526 Parse live data with correct key 'readonly' da45940 Updated from global requirements 7835a3c Updated from global requirements 4c1dac7 Unskip StackSnapshotRestoreTest f849b4d Set resource._properties_data=None when loading from db d0b7cd1 Adds 5 backport db migration place holder for Pike a410b07 Return stack.outputs when stack in DELETE_FAILED e18a523 heat config eliminate ec2authtoken c3546d9 * Add new HOT version for Queens release 20a0a48 * Add Queens version '10.0.0' in doc aad6faf Updated from global requirements 1d02822 fix heat_keystoneclient config gen df8401e Add release notes for heat 5f5a96c Run heat api tests after upgrade ca67c54 Add gabbi api tests for stack update/patch-update 46adb66 Fix error for invalid auth_encryption_key a7702ff Don't call update_port with empty dict 8edb3ae Revert "Disable nova quota check in gate jobs" d12498f Make sure port updating works if enable observe da607b1 Reoder barbican container import 6d16e59 Update reno for stable/pike 9e81190 Rollback stack with correct tags 44c188c Allow conditions to return null values 6d2c192 Use zaqar v2 in integration tests a47e342 Switch integration jobs to use local mirrors 327f36c Minor doc fix: tmpl_diff argument for handle_update c25a31a Update URL in README.rst 50088c5 Updated the template guide. c26f367 Remove broken heat.resource_type custom constraint f195451 Removed unnecessary setUp() call in tests 705625c Eager load resource_properties_data in resource 93b3e9c Set `public` as update allowed for cluster template e1ea042 Remove duplicated `show_deleted` param extraction bc83d86 Support tenacity exponential backoff retry on resource sync 0e1b490 Fix no-change updates of failed resources with restricted actions c25034f Strip disabled resources from depends_on in add_resource() 0c2e1d0 Use StackDefinition.all_rsrc_names() API 6bc25ef Use stored properties values in actions 2c38244 Rename Resource._resolve_all_attributes() method 960f626 Avoid creating two Stacks when loading Resource 9a6acc7 Show correct version of data in convergence resource list d8a5351 Fix nonsensical docs in dependencies.py d887f34 Clarify make_url validation errors 1745a9b Fixes heat-keystone-setup-domain authentication failures with v3 3aee78d Remove unused variable Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitignore | 8 + .gitreview | 1 + .stestr.conf | 3 + .testr.conf | 8 - .zuul.yaml | 134 + README.rst | 3 +- api-ref/source/v1/parameters.yaml | 15 +- ...ack-action-cancel-without-rollback-request.json | 3 + .../v1/samples/template-validate-response.json | 10 +- api-ref/source/v1/stack-actions.inc | 49 + api-ref/source/v1/stack-templates.inc | 1 + bin/heat-api-cloudwatch | 46 - bin/heat-keystone-setup | 4 +- bin/heat-keystone-setup-domain | 12 +- config-generator.conf | 3 +- devstack/lib/heat | 60 +- devstack/settings | 2 - devstack/upgrade/resources.sh | 22 +- devstack/upgrade/settings | 4 +- devstack/upgrade/shutdown.sh | 6 +- devstack/upgrade/upgrade.sh | 4 +- .../configuration/tables/heat-cloudwatch_api.rst | 42 - etc/heat/api-paste.ini | 14 - etc/heat/heat-policy-generator.conf | 3 + etc/heat/policy.json | 102 - heat/api/aws/exception.py | 17 +- heat/api/cfn/v1/stacks.py | 4 +- heat/api/cloudwatch/__init__.py | 67 - heat/api/cloudwatch/watch.py | 321 - heat/api/middleware/fault.py | 6 +- heat/api/middleware/ssl.py | 45 - heat/api/openstack/__init__.py | 8 - heat/api/openstack/v1/actions.py | 17 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/build_info.py | 5 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/events.py | 7 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/resources.py | 13 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/services.py | 5 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/software_configs.py | 10 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/software_deployments.py | 12 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/stacks.py | 63 +- heat/api/openstack/v1/util.py | 44 +- heat/cmd/all.py | 4 +- heat/cmd/api_cloudwatch.py | 78 - heat/cmd/engine.py | 4 - heat/common/config.py | 19 +- heat/common/crypt.py | 59 +- heat/common/exception.py | 14 +- heat/common/grouputils.py | 130 +- heat/common/messaging.py | 5 + heat/common/noauth.py | 12 + heat/common/policy.py | 68 +- heat/common/timeutils.py | 2 +- heat/common/wsgi.py | 40 +- heat/db/sqlalchemy/api.py | 64 +- .../migrate_repo/versions/081_placeholder.py | 20 + .../migrate_repo/versions/082_placeholder.py | 20 + .../migrate_repo/versions/083_placeholder.py | 20 + .../migrate_repo/versions/084_placeholder.py | 20 + .../migrate_repo/versions/085_placeholder.py | 20 + heat/engine/api.py | 18 +- heat/engine/cfn/functions.py | 2 +- heat/engine/cfn/template.py | 17 +- heat/engine/check_resource.py | 89 +- heat/engine/clients/os/barbican.py | 8 +- heat/engine/clients/os/cinder.py | 2 +- heat/engine/clients/os/heat_plugin.py | 10 - .../clients/os/keystone/fake_keystoneclient.py | 123 + heat/engine/clients/os/mistral.py | 25 +- heat/engine/clients/os/monasca.py | 9 +- heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py | 25 +- heat/engine/clients/os/octavia.py | 107 + heat/engine/clients/os/openstacksdk.py | 52 +- heat/engine/clients/os/senlin.py | 54 +- heat/engine/clients/os/zun.py | 16 +- heat/engine/constraint/heat_constraints.py | 45 - heat/engine/constraints.py | 36 +- heat/engine/dependencies.py | 15 +- heat/engine/environment.py | 2 +- heat/engine/event.py | 21 +- heat/engine/function.py | 25 +- heat/engine/hot/functions.py | 27 +- heat/engine/hot/parameters.py | 62 +- heat/engine/hot/template.py | 74 +- heat/engine/node_data.py | 19 +- heat/engine/output.py | 13 +- heat/engine/parameters.py | 50 +- heat/engine/properties.py | 27 +- heat/engine/resource.py | 418 +- heat/engine/resources/alarm_base.py | 2 +- .../resources/aws/autoscaling/autoscaling_group.py | 24 +- heat/engine/resources/aws/cfn/stack.py | 6 +- heat/engine/resources/aws/cfn/wait_condition.py | 5 - heat/engine/resources/aws/lb/loadbalancer.py | 6 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/aodh/alarm.py | 32 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/barbican/order.py | 2 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/volume.py | 4 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/designate/domain.py | 9 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/designate/record.py | 9 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/autoscaling_group.py | 29 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/heat/cloud_watch.py | 182 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/ha_restarter.py | 109 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/instance_group.py | 14 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/random_string.py | 6 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/resource_chain.py | 64 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/resource_group.py | 210 +- .../resources/openstack/heat/scaling_policy.py | 34 +- .../openstack/heat/software_deployment.py | 25 +- .../openstack/heat/wait_condition_handle.py | 4 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/keystone/project.py | 60 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/keystone/role.py | 32 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/keystone/user.py | 4 +- .../resources/openstack/magnum/cluster_template.py | 76 +- .../openstack/mistral/external_resource.py | 4 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/mistral/workflow.py | 13 +- .../resources/openstack/monasca/notification.py | 2 +- .../resources/openstack/neutron/floatingip.py | 80 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/neutron/port.py | 15 +- .../resources/openstack/neutron/rbac_policy.py | 38 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/nova/flavor.py | 10 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/nova/server.py | 5 +- .../openstack/nova/server_network_mixin.py | 124 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/octavia/__init__.py | 0 .../resources/openstack/octavia/health_monitor.py | 170 + .../engine/resources/openstack/octavia/l7policy.py | 205 + heat/engine/resources/openstack/octavia/l7rule.py | 148 + .../engine/resources/openstack/octavia/listener.py | 203 + .../resources/openstack/octavia/loadbalancer.py | 163 + .../resources/openstack/octavia/octavia_base.py | 95 + heat/engine/resources/openstack/octavia/pool.py | 221 + .../resources/openstack/octavia/pool_member.py | 153 + heat/engine/resources/openstack/sahara/cluster.py | 27 +- .../resources/openstack/sahara/job_binary.py | 5 +- .../engine/resources/openstack/sahara/templates.py | 5 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/trove/cluster.py | 125 +- heat/engine/resources/openstack/zun/container.py | 104 +- heat/engine/resources/stack_resource.py | 45 +- heat/engine/resources/template_resource.py | 41 +- heat/engine/rsrc_defn.py | 30 +- heat/engine/scheduler.py | 17 +- heat/engine/service.py | 199 +- heat/engine/service_software_config.py | 38 +- heat/engine/service_stack_watch.py | 109 - heat/engine/stack.py | 119 +- heat/engine/sync_point.py | 55 +- heat/engine/template.py | 11 +- heat/engine/template_files.py | 2 +- heat/engine/translation.py | 22 +- heat/engine/watchrule.py | 395 -- heat/engine/worker.py | 12 +- heat/httpd/files/heat-api-cloudwatch-uwsgi.ini | 14 - heat/httpd/files/heat-api-cloudwatch.conf | 28 - heat/httpd/files/uwsgi-heat-api-cloudwatch.conf | 2 - heat/httpd/heat_api_cloudwatch.py | 51 - heat/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 7032 +++++++++++++------- heat/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 88 +- heat/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 87 +- heat/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 88 +- heat/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 82 +- heat/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 78 +- heat/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 90 +- heat/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 87 +- heat/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 76 +- heat/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/heat.po | 76 +- heat/objects/event.py | 2 +- heat/objects/raw_template.py | 2 +- heat/objects/resource.py | 54 +- heat/objects/watch_data.py | 60 - heat/objects/watch_rule.py | 87 - heat/policies/__init__.py | 42 + heat/policies/actions.py | 37 + heat/policies/base.py | 48 + heat/policies/build_info.py | 35 + heat/policies/cloudformation.py | 66 + heat/policies/events.py | 48 + heat/policies/resource.py | 84 + heat/policies/resource_types.py | 69 + heat/policies/service.py | 27 + heat/policies/software_configs.py | 79 + heat/policies/software_deployments.py | 91 + heat/policies/stacks.py | 370 + heat/rpc/api.py | 64 +- heat/rpc/client.py | 54 - heat/scaling/cooldown.py | 82 +- .../openstack/heat/test_software_deployment.py | 221 +- .../openstack/keystone/test_role_assignments.py | 6 +- .../openstack/magnum/test_cluster_template.py | 43 +- .../openstack/monasca/test_alarm_definition.py | 2 - .../openstack/neutron/test_neutron_floating_ip.py | 11 +- .../openstack/neutron/test_neutron_rbac_policy.py | 27 +- .../neutron/test_sfc/test_flow_classifier.py | 2 - .../openstack/neutron/test_sfc/test_port_chain.py | 2 - .../openstack/neutron/test_sfc/test_port_pair.py | 13 +- .../neutron/test_sfc/test_port_pair_group.py | 2 - .../api/gabbits/environments.yaml | 55 - .../api/gabbits/resourcetypes.yaml | 24 - .../functional/test_create_update_neutron_port.py | 101 - .../test_create_update_neutron_subnet.py | 127 - .../functional/test_create_update_neutron_trunk.py | 275 - .../functional/test_encrypted_parameter.py | 65 - .../functional/test_encryption_vol_type.py | 87 - .../functional/test_event_sinks.py | 79 - .../functional/test_external_ref.py | 83 - .../functional/test_heat_autoscaling.py | 6 +- .../functional/test_nova_server_networks.py | 149 - .../functional/test_os_wait_condition.py | 107 - .../functional/test_reload_on_sighup.py | 142 - .../functional/test_remote_stack.py | 144 - .../functional/test_replace_deprecated.py | 12 +- .../functional/test_resources_list.py | 50 - .../functional/test_simultaneous_update.py | 93 + .../functional/test_software_config.py | 283 - .../functional/test_stack_cancel.py | 92 + .../functional/test_stack_events.py | 109 - .../functional/test_stack_outputs.py | 101 - .../functional/test_stack_tags.py | 77 - .../functional/test_template_validate.py | 244 - .../functional/test_template_versions.py | 31 + .../functional/test_unicode_template.py | 110 - .../functional/test_waitcondition.py | 72 - .../templates/app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml | 69 - .../scenario/templates/app_server_neutron.yaml | 65 - .../scenario/templates/boot_config_none_env.yaml | 5 - .../scenario/templates/netcat-webapp.yaml | 35 - .../scenario/templates/test_aodh_alarm.yaml | 36 - .../templates/test_autoscaling_lb_neutron.yaml | 113 - .../templates/test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml | 116 - .../scenario/templates/test_base_resources.yaml | 110 - .../scenario/templates/test_server_cfn_init.yaml | 97 - .../scenario/templates/test_server_signal.yaml | 107 - .../templates/test_server_software_config.yaml | 173 - .../templates/test_volumes_create_from_backup.yaml | 118 - .../templates/test_volumes_delete_snapshot.yaml | 124 - .../scenario/test_autoscaling_lb.py | 110 - .../scenario/test_autoscaling_lbv2.py | 110 - .../scenario/test_base_resources.py | 73 - .../scenario/test_server_cfn_init.py | 122 - .../scenario/test_server_signal.py | 85 - .../scenario/test_server_software_config.py | 171 - install.sh | 1 - playbooks/devstack/functional/post.yaml | 15 + playbooks/devstack/functional/run.yaml | 114 + playbooks/devstack/grenade/run.yaml | 59 + playbooks/devstack/multinode-networking/pre.yaml | 3 + ...urity_groups-to-container-d3b69ae4b6f71fc7.yaml | 5 + .../cancel_without_rollback-e5d978a60d9baf45.yaml | 3 + ...deprecate-threshold-alarm-5738f5ab8aebfd20.yaml | 5 + .../notes/doc-migrate-10c968c819848240.yaml | 6 + ...ronment_validate_template-fee21a03bb628446.yaml | 6 + ...orce-delete-nova-instance-6ed5d7fbd5b6f5fe.yaml | 9 + ...signate-domain-record-res-d445ca7f1251b63d.yaml | 6 + ...heat-harestarter-resource-a123479c317886a3.yaml | 12 + ...oject-allow-get-attribute-b382fe97694e3987.yaml | 4 + .../know-limit-releasenote-4d21fc4d91d136d9.yaml | 7 + .../notes/octavia-resources-0a25720e16dfe55d.yaml | 19 + .../notes/parameter-tags-148ef065616f92fc.yaml | 5 + .../notes/policy-in-code-124372f6cdb0a497.yaml | 15 + ...-If9125519e35f9f95ea8343cb07c377de9ccf5edf.yaml | 5 + .../remove-SSLMiddleware-2f15049af559f26a.yaml | 7 + .../remove-cloudwatch-api-149403251da97b41.yaml | 7 + ...t-resourcetype-constraint-b679618a149fc04e.yaml | 4 + ...oup_removal_policies_mode-d489e0cc49942e2a.yaml | 6 + ...etworks-for-trove-cluster-b997a049eedbad17.yaml | 3 + ...k-definition-in-functions-3f7f172a53edf535.yaml | 11 + .../sync-queens-releasenote-13f68851f7201e37.yaml | 21 + .../system-random-string-38a14ae2cb6f4a24.yaml | 6 + releasenotes/source/conf.py | 13 +- releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 + .../source/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po | 59 - .../source/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po | 753 --- .../locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po | 72 - releasenotes/source/pike.rst | 6 + requirements.txt | 72 +- setup.cfg | 24 +- test-requirements.txt | 29 +- tools/custom_guidelines.py | 18 +- tox.ini | 24 +- 447 files changed, 15687 insertions(+), 17253 deletions(-) Requirements updates -------------------- diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index d6b72ed..c853500 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -8,2 +8 @@ croniter>=0.3.4 # MIT License -cryptography!=2.0,>=1.6 # BSD/Apache-2.0 -debtcollector>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0 +cryptography!=2.0,>=1.9 # BSD/Apache-2.0 @@ -11,19 +10,19 @@ eventlet!=0.18.3,!=0.20.1,<0.21.0,>=0.18.2 # MIT -keystoneauth1>=3.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -keystonemiddleware>=4.12.0 # Apache-2.0 -lxml!=3.7.0,>=2.3 # BSD -netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.13 # BSD -openstacksdk>=0.9.17 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.cache>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.config!=4.3.0,!=4.4.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.concurrency>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.context>=2.14.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.db>=4.24.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.i18n!=3.15.2,>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.log>=3.22.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.messaging!=5.25.0,>=5.24.2 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.middleware>=3.27.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.policy>=1.23.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.reports>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.serialization!=2.19.1,>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.service>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.utils>=3.20.0 # Apache-2.0 +keystoneauth1>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0 +keystonemiddleware>=4.17.0 # Apache-2.0 +lxml!=3.7.0,>=3.4.1 # BSD +netaddr>=0.7.18 # BSD +openstacksdk>=0.9.19 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.cache>=1.26.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.config>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.concurrency>=3.25.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.context>=2.19.2 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.db>=4.27.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.i18n>=3.15.3 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.log>=3.36.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.messaging>=5.29.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.middleware>=3.31.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.policy>=1.30.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.reports>=1.18.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.serialization!=2.19.1,>=2.18.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.service!=1.28.1,>=1.24.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.utils>=3.33.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -31 +30 @@ osprofiler>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.versionedobjects>=1.17.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.versionedobjects>=1.31.2 # Apache-2.0 @@ -33,2 +32 @@ PasteDeploy>=1.5.0 # MIT -pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain -aodhclient>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0 +aodhclient>=0.9.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -37,2 +35,2 @@ python-ceilometerclient>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-cinderclient>=3.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-designateclient>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-cinderclient>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-designateclient>=2.7.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -40 +38 @@ python-glanceclient>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-heatclient>=1.6.1 # Apache-2.0 +python-heatclient>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -42,2 +40,2 @@ python-keystoneclient>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-magnumclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-manilaclient>=1.12.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-magnumclient>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-manilaclient>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -47,4 +45,4 @@ python-neutronclient>=6.3.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-novaclient>=9.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-openstackclient!=3.10.0,>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-saharaclient>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-senlinclient>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-novaclient>=9.1.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-octaviaclient>=1.3.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-openstackclient>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-saharaclient>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -54 +52 @@ python-zaqarclient>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-zunclient>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-zunclient>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -56 +54 @@ pytz>=2013.6 # MIT -PyYAML>=3.10.0 # MIT +PyYAML>=3.10 # MIT @@ -60 +58 @@ Routes>=2.3.1 # MIT -six>=1.9.0 # MIT +six>=1.10.0 # MIT @@ -65 +63 @@ WebOb>=1.7.1 # MIT -yaql>=1.1.0 # Apache 2.0 License +yaql>=1.1.3 # Apache 2.0 License diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt index 317261f..16e09fd 100644 --- a/test-requirements.txt +++ b/test-requirements.txt @@ -11,2 +11,2 @@ kombu!=4.0.2,>=4.0.0 # BSD -mock>=2.0 # BSD -mox3!=0.19.0,>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0 +mock>=2.0.0 # BSD +mox3>=0.20.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PyMySQL>=0.7.6 # MIT License -openstackdocstheme>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0 -os-api-ref>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -os-testr>=0.8.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 -qpid-python;python_version=='2.7' # Apache-2.0 -psycopg2>=2.5 # LGPL/ZPL -sphinx>=1.6.2 # BSD +openstackdocstheme>=1.18.1 # Apache-2.0 +os-api-ref>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 +os-testr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0 +qpid-python>=0.26;python_version=='2.7' # Apache-2.0 +psycopg2>=2.6.2 # LGPL/ZPL +sphinx!=1.6.6,>=1.6.2 # BSD @@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ testscenarios>=0.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD -testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT -testresources>=0.2.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD -reno!=2.3.1,>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0 +testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT +testresources>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD +reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -27,4 +27 @@ reno!=2.3.1,>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0 -os-collect-config # Apache-2.0 -paramiko>=2.0 # LGPLv2.1+ -tempest>=16.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -gabbi>=1.35.0 # Apache-2.0 +tempest>=17.1.0 # Apache-2.0