We contentedly announce the release of: validations-common 1.7.0: A common Ansible libraries and plugins for the validations framework The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/validations-common Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/validations-common/ For more details, please see below. Changes in validations-common 1.6.0..1.7.0 ------------------------------------------ c6003f2 Removing coverchange job 200e821 Centos 9 jobs for validations common 602c7d9 removing callbacks from validations-common a4eeda4 Update master for stable/1.6 d7821d1 Modifying catalogue execution test to resolve component pipeline issue 9b2bddb New validation for checking presence of running rsyslog service. f819685 Migrate jobs from CentOS 8 to CentOS 8 Stream Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .zuul.yaml | 33 +- playbooks/coverchange.yaml | 100 --- playbooks/reqcheck.yaml | 3 +- releasenotes/source/1.6.rst | 6 + releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 + roles/validations/defaults/main.yaml | 1 + roles/validations/files/catalog_vars_override.yaml | 11 + .../validations/tasks/execute_full_catalogue.yaml | 1 + roles/validations/tasks/main.yaml | 9 + roles/validations/vars/main.yaml | 5 +- setup.cfg | 1 - tools/http_server.py | 54 -- validations_common/callback_plugins/__init__.py | 13 - .../callback_plugins/fail_if_no_hosts.py | 29 - validations_common/callback_plugins/http_json.py | 94 --- .../callback_plugins/validation_json.py | 238 ------- .../callback_plugins/validation_output.py | 203 ------ .../callback_plugins/validation_stdout.py | 99 --- validations_common/playbooks/check-rsyslog.yaml | 28 + .../roles/check_rsyslog/defaults/main.yaml | 1 + .../check_rsyslog/molecule/default/converge.yml | 54 ++ .../check_rsyslog/molecule/default/molecule.yml | 53 ++ .../roles/check_rsyslog/tasks/main.yaml | 11 + .../roles/check_rsyslog/tasks/systemctl.yaml | 13 + .../roles/check_rsyslog/tasks/yum.yaml | 11 + .../callback_plugins/test_fail_if_no_hosts.py | 93 --- .../callback_plugins/test_validation_output.py | 742 --------------------- .../callback_plugins/test_validation_stdout.py | 199 ------ 31 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 2523 deletions(-)