We are thrilled to announce the release of: masakari 14.0.1: Virtual Machine High Availability (VMHA) service for OpenStack This release is part of the zed stable release series. The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/masakari Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/masakari/ Please report issues through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/masakari/+bugs For more details, please see below. 14.0.1 ^^^^^^ Bug Fixes * Fixes an issue that could be caused by a user sending a malformed host notification missing host status. Such notification would block the host from being added back from maintenance until manual intervention or notification expiration. LP#1960619 Changes in masakari 14.0.0..14.0.1 ---------------------------------- c813fa9 Handle host notification without host status a5a25b0 [CI] Move queue setting to project level e3706cc Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed ac8cff0 Update .gitreview for stable/zed Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitreview | 1 + .zuul.yaml | 2 +- masakari/engine/manager.py | 9 +++++-- .../notes/bug-1960619-4c2cc73483bdff86.yaml | 8 ++++++ tox.ini | 8 +++--- 6 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)