We are pleased to announce the release of: tripleo-heat-templates 8.2.0: Heat templates for deploying OpenStack with OpenStack. This release is part of the queens stable release series. The source is available from: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/tripleo-heat-templates/ Please report issues through launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo For more details, please see below. 8.2.0 ^^^^^ New Features ************ * Add support for ODL deployment on IPv6 networks. * Added Dell EMC SC multipath support This change adds support for cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::use_multipath_for_image_xfer Added a new parameter CinderDellScMultipathXfer. Bug Fixes ********* * The deployed-server get-occ-config.sh script now allows $SSH_OPTIONS to be overridden. Changes in tripleo-heat-templates 8.1.0..8.2.0 ---------------------------------------------- 14ae943 Added Dell EMC SC multipath support 10e8ea2 Set facter variable 'uuid' explicitly in docker-puppet.py c699660 ctlplane pre-alloc IPs - deprecated/non-deprecated role name 655fc21 Remove unnecessary logs due to misconfiguration from pacemaker 3db0816 Switch scenarios to non-voting b64e6eb Configure cinder's access to the nova API 4dfd98f Add config option for ODL IPv6 deployment 7992960 Set `TraceEnable` directive for apache to 'Off' 3469955 Make $SSH_OPTIONS overrideable Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- deployed-server/scripts/get-occ-config.sh | 2 +- environments/cinder-dellsc-config.yaml | 1 + environments/network-isolation-v6.j2.yaml | 2 + puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/per_node.yaml | 2 +- puppet/role.role.j2.yaml | 25 ++++++--- puppet/services/apache.j2.yaml | 1 + puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellsc.yaml | 4 ++ puppet/services/cinder-base.yaml | 8 +++ puppet/services/opendaylight-ovs.yaml | 5 ++ ...pport-for-IPv6-deployment-4c5b577cfb38c416.yaml | 4 ++ .../notes/dellsc-driver-d7cd300a24a64b01.yaml | 6 ++ .../overrideable-ssh-options-1bd4a78408eb6c2c.yaml | 4 ++ zuul.d/layout.yaml | 64 ---------------------- 15 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)