We are satisfied to announce the release of: tempest 30.0.0: OpenStack Integration Testing This release is part of the yoga release series. The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/tempest Download the package from: https://pypi.org/project/tempest Please report issues through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bugs For more details, please see below. 30.0.0 ^^^^^^ Prelude ******* This release is to tag Tempest for OpenStack Yoga release. This release marks the start of Yoga release support in Tempest. After this release, Tempest will support below OpenStack Releases: * Yoga * Xena * Wallaby * Victoria * Ussuri Current development of Tempest is for OpenStack Zed development cycle. Every Tempest commit is also tested against master during the Zed cycle. However, this does not necessarily mean that using Tempest as of this tag will work against a Zed (or future release) cloud. To be on safe side, use this tag to test the OpenStack Yoga release. New Features ************ * Add parameter to specify the SSH key type. Current options are 'rsa' (which is the default) and 'ecdsa'. Tempest now supports the importing and generation of both 'rsa' and 'ecdsa' SSH key types. * Add a new client to lists, creates, shows information for, updates and deletes neutron floating ips port forwarding resource. Deprecation Notes ***************** * Old APIMicroversionFixture classes "tempest.api.compute.api_microve rsion_fixture.APIMicroversionFixture" and "tempest.api.volume.api_microversion_fixture.APIMicroversionFixture" has been deprecated for removal in favor of new location "tempest.lib.common.api_microversion_fixture.APIMicroversionFixture" Bug Fixes ********* * [bug 1948935 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1948935)] The default value of account-generator --concurrency parameter is now set to 2 instead of 1. Changes in tempest 29.2.0..30.0.0 --------------------------------- 4f63115e5 Add releasenote to tag the Tempest for Yoga release e4d7182d6 Use stable constraint in tox to release new tag for Yoga 1a65c4f0b Add compute response schema for microversion 2.75 3ee9f2167 Add schema for compute 2.45 microversion badb24c54 Tests for nova unified quotas 952fe9c76 Add tempest-full-centos-9-stream non voting job 1ca0ede16 add image schemas for image 9ba15f64b compute: Move device tagging tests to use wait_until=SSHABLE d548e7a8f compute: Move volume attach tests to use wait_until=SSHABLE 0b4bc3dcc Introduce PINGABLE and SSHABLE waiters and wait_until state support af19ff414 Add grenade-skip-level jobs to integrated-gate 78b960f91 Fix floating ip timeout issues with uwsgi enabled eb1afd539 Make stable/ussuri job voting 8f68f69cc Add logging to metadata parsing 115065a23 Fix TypeError in QoSBandwidthAndPacketRateTests cae966812 Append random int to new flavor name in QoSBandwidthAndPacketRateTests 74fa50574 Add configuration for compute unified limits feature d4c9cc89f Fix test_rebuild_server test by waiting for floating ip 5ff5dabd6 Fix stable/train testing with tempest 26.1.0 1ff774862 Remove usage of unittest2 86db21ea6 Patch paramiko e6b7056d8 Make broken tempest-full-py3-opensuse15 job only until stable/xena 5eb51dc06 Revert "Revert "Make centos8 stream job non voting for bug#1957941"" 2a5ef1b93 Use LOG.warning instead of deprecated LOG.warn 6ded070b5 Add support for ecdsa keys 1e2fe4fb3 Revert "Make centos8 stream job non voting for bug#1957941" 4f94ea018 Update aggregate tests for bug#1907775 0de0ebf09 Make centos8 stream job non voting for bug#1957941 770dc0060 Add test coverage for bug 1943724 bd722d366 Set default value of --concurrency to 2 da48e4ee3 wait_for_server_status(): report original request ID if failure 941043fcc Clean up wait_for_resource_deletion message 20556df7a Move get_server_ip into tempest.common.compute 1a76c2c1c Revert "Check VM's console log before trying to SSH to it." 81c91f0ec Fix: Schema validation of volume list detail 09428b878 Add --libpath argv option to fix unittest failure dc517e0a1 Fix compute quota classes schema for v2.50 and v2.57 ed6d10235 Fix server group schema for compute microversion 2.64 6bc98ccfa Add fields in hypervisor schema for 2.33 and 2.53 59f6aa6a9 Remove stable/train jobs from master gate ef0da2101 Add flavor extra spec validation tests 226a12335 Modify the response example in test_subnetpools_client bb1d5d04d add the test of router test client 18b45d728 Moving API microversion fixture in resource_setup 24554b0e1 Deprecate the old API microversion fixture b0ee03e56 Don't override images client in compute admin tests bbe4f8c30 Replace deprecated assertDictContainsSubset 06bf0186b Revert "Skip 3.19 test_reset_group_snapshot_status" f294b0d8d Test Network QoS minimum packet rate scenarios 17082ad2c Add openstacksdk-functional-devstack in integrated gates c08dfd201 This patch creates the network v2.0 floating-ips-port-forwarding client. aca819b79 Take domain_id from config in some tests. 0bacf9843 Change extra_size from hardcoded 1 to CONF.volume.volume_size_extend a27e6b41a add delete group type testcase 41234352a delete all items of the group type spec 425b486d9 Update Interop doc 55414580c Remove race from wait_for_interface_detach waiter f46bcdf5e Add microversion schemas for os-instance-actions 1aac05c7b Test all supported python version for stable branch 7bd4c3aae hacking: Ignore H405 8a959ead1 Add floating IP waiter 1890743bc Test delete security group will clear its associated rules da3477353 edit check result and make sure the query result correct 40b51c5d5 Define default OS_TEST_TIMEOUT for every tempest tox env 2023a841e add schemas members for image Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- HACKING.rst | 1 + playbooks/enable-fips.yaml | 4 + .../notes/add-ssh-key-type-38d7a2f900d79842.yaml | 6 + ...-api-microversion-fixture-a471aac985c0f3fb.yaml | 7 + ...ps-port-forwarding-client-cf8820b910bd7f4d.yaml | 6 + ...value-of-concurrency-to-2-d916d5c31e3725d5.yaml | 6 + .../tempest-yoga-release-66e8484b9a402e9f.yaml | 18 + requirements.txt | 2 +- roles/run-tempest/README.rst | 2 +- roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml | 28 +- setup.cfg | 1 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_agents.py | 2 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_aggregates.py | 5 + .../api/compute/admin/test_flavors_extra_specs.py | 31 ++ tempest/api/compute/admin/test_hypervisor.py | 23 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_quotas.py | 26 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_quotas_negative.py | 8 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_servers.py | 29 + tempest/api/compute/admin/test_volume.py | 12 +- tempest/api/compute/api_microversion_fixture.py | 9 + tempest/api/compute/base.py | 46 +- .../api/compute/servers/test_attach_interfaces.py | 3 +- tempest/api/compute/servers/test_device_tagging.py | 23 +- tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py | 36 ++ tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_group.py | 43 +- tempest/api/compute/volumes/test_attach_volume.py | 2 +- .../compute/volumes/test_attach_volume_negative.py | 21 +- tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/test_domains.py | 2 +- tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/test_services.py | 6 +- tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/test_tokens.py | 9 +- tempest/api/network/base.py | 2 + tempest/api/network/test_security_groups.py | 27 + tempest/api/volume/admin/test_group_snapshots.py | 1 - tempest/api/volume/admin/test_group_type_specs.py | 15 +- tempest/api/volume/admin/test_group_types.py | 13 +- tempest/api/volume/admin/test_volume_quotas.py | 2 +- tempest/api/volume/api_microversion_fixture.py | 9 + tempest/api/volume/base.py | 10 +- tempest/api/volume/test_volumes_snapshots.py | 3 +- tempest/clients.py | 7 +- tempest/cmd/account_generator.py | 12 +- tempest/cmd/verify_tempest_config.py | 2 +- tempest/common/compute.py | 84 ++- tempest/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py | 3 +- tempest/common/waiters.py | 119 ++++- tempest/config.py | 12 +- tempest/hacking/checks.py | 13 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_1/servers.py | 4 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_16/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_19/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_26/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_3/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_33/__init__.py | 0 .../response/compute/v2_33/hypervisors.py | 53 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/servers.py | 49 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_47/servers.py | 37 +- .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_48/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_50/__init__.py | 0 .../response/compute/v2_50/quota_classes.py | 48 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_51/__init__.py | 0 .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_51/servers.py | 43 ++ .../response/compute/v2_53/hypervisors.py | 68 +++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_54/servers.py | 38 +- .../response/compute/v2_57/quota_classes.py | 37 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_57/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_58/__init__.py | 0 .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_58/servers.py | 45 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_6/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_62/__init__.py | 0 .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_62/servers.py | 48 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_63/servers.py | 38 +- .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_64/__init__.py | 0 .../response/compute/v2_64/server_groups.py | 56 ++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_70/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_71/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_73/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_75/__init__.py | 0 .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_75/servers.py | 64 +++ .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_79/servers.py | 40 +- .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_8/servers.py | 2 + .../api_schema/response/compute/v2_9/servers.py | 2 + tempest/lib/api_schema/response/volume/volumes.py | 2 +- tempest/lib/base.py | 31 -- tempest/lib/cmd/check_uuid.py | 11 +- tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py | 4 +- tempest/lib/common/ssh.py | 30 +- tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py | 7 +- tempest/lib/exceptions.py | 4 + tempest/lib/services/compute/hypervisor_client.py | 19 +- tempest/lib/services/compute/keypairs_client.py | 30 +- .../lib/services/compute/quota_classes_client.py | 17 +- .../lib/services/compute/server_groups_client.py | 5 +- tempest/lib/services/compute/servers_client.py | 23 +- tempest/lib/services/network/__init__.py | 12 +- .../network/floating_ips_port_forwarding_client.py | 78 +++ tempest/scenario/manager.py | 11 +- tempest/scenario/test_compute_unified_limits.py | 166 ++++++ tempest/scenario/test_minimum_basic.py | 37 +- tempest/scenario/test_network_qos_placement.py | 588 ++++++++++++++++++++- tempest/test.py | 45 +- tempest/test_discover/test_discover.py | 7 +- .../lib/services/image/v2/test_schemas_client.py | 329 ++++++++++++ .../test_floating_ips_port_forwarding_client.py | 156 ++++++ .../lib/services/network/test_routers_client.py | 106 ++++ .../services/network/test_subnetpools_client.py | 26 +- tox.ini | 20 +- zuul.d/integrated-gate.yaml | 36 ++ zuul.d/project.yaml | 18 +- zuul.d/stable-jobs.yaml | 27 +- zuul.d/tempest-specific.yaml | 17 +- 117 files changed, 3341 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-) Requirements updates -------------------- diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index c71cabea9..c4c7fcc78 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -8,0 +9 @@ paramiko>=2.7.0 # LGPLv2.1+ +cryptography>=2.1 # BSD/Apache-2.0 @@ -23 +23,0 @@ debtcollector>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0 -unittest2>=1.1.0 # BSD