We are gleeful to announce the release of: solum-tempest-plugin 1.1.0: Tempest plugin for the solum project. This release is part of the train release series. The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/solum-tempest-plugin Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/solum-tempest-plugin/ Please report issues through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/solum/+bugs For more details, please see below. Changes in solum-tempest-plugin 1.0.0..1.1.0 -------------------------------------------- 5308a85 Fix invalid link 3182b6e Add Python 3 Train unit tests b003536 Update contraints url a47702c Replace git.openstack.org URLs with opendev.org URLs 05863c5 OpenDev Migration Patch a4461bd Removed older version of python added 3.5/3.6 df862f4 Update solum camp config 7dd9df9 Add to tempest plugin 54c73c2 Python 2/3 compatible[2] c45e04b Python 2/3 compatible 10447c6 Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss c1450d1 Optimizing the safety of the http link site in HACKING.rst 8cb0cf1 [Trivial Fix] update home-page url 6172e79 import zuul job settings from project-config Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitreview | 2 +- .zuul.yaml | 6 ++++ HACKING.rst | 2 +- README.rst | 4 +-- setup.cfg | 12 +++++--- solum_tempest_plugin/base.py | 9 ++++-- solum_tempest_plugin/common/apputils.py | 2 +- solum_tempest_plugin/config.py | 20 +++++++++++++ solum_tempest_plugin/plugin.py | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../application_deployment}/__init__.py | 0 .../application_deployment/camp}/__init__.py | 0 .../camp/test_platform_endpoints.py | 5 ++++ .../application_deployment/camp/v1_1}/__init__.py | 0 .../camp/v1_1/test_assemblies.py | 8 ++++- .../camp/v1_1/test_formats.py | 5 ++++ .../camp/v1_1/test_parameter_definitions.py | 9 ++++++ .../camp/v1_1/test_plans.py | 10 ++++++- .../camp/v1_1/test_platform.py | 5 ++++ .../camp/v1_1/test_type_definitions.py | 5 ++++ .../application_deployment}/test_release.py | 0 .../application_deployment}/test_versions.py | 13 ++++++++ .../application_deployment/v1/public/__init__.py | 0 .../v1/public/test_trigger.py | 13 ++++++-- .../application_deployment}/v1/test_app.py | 7 +++++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_assembly.py | 11 +++++++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_component.py | 13 ++++++++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_extension.py | 3 ++ .../v1/test_language_pack.py | 20 +++++++++++-- .../application_deployment}/v1/test_operation.py | 3 ++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_plan.py | 4 +++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_root.py | 5 ++++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_sensor.py | 3 ++ .../application_deployment}/v1/test_service.py | 15 ++++++++++ tox.ini | 5 ++-- 36 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)