We are pleased to announce the release of: puppet-ironic 19.3.0: Puppet module for OpenStack Ironic This release is part of the xena release series. The source is available from: https://opendev.org/openstack/puppet-ironic Download the package from: https://tarballs.openstack.org/puppet-ironic/ Please report issues through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-ironic/+bugs For more details, please see below. 19.3.0 ^^^^^^ New Features ************ * Expose the "sync_power_state_workers" in "ironic::conductor". * The new "ironic::inspector::policy" class has been added to support policy settings for ironic-inspector. * New class "ironic::json_rpc" to set parameters for configuring json- rpc has been added. Please set credentials for json-rpc using this class. * The new "ironic::pxe::uefi_ipxe_bootfile_name" parameter has been added. This parameter is used to determine name of the efi file used to boot nodes with UEFI + iPXE. Upgrade Notes ************* * An explict ironic "enabled_hardware_types" setting has been removed from "puppet-ironic" as it matches the Ironic default and the default override prohibits inclusion of additional default enabled hardware types the OpenStack Ironic project may choose to ship in the future. Deprecation Notes ***************** * The "ironic_api_paste_ini" resource type has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. * The "ironic::config::ironic_api_paste_ini" parameter has been deprecated and has no effect now. This parameter will be removed in a future release. * Deprecates integration for Ironic's Bifrost sub-project. Bifrost serves a similar purpose as puppet-ironic, in so much as the embedded configuration lags behind and ultimately is no longer appropriate for a bifrost deployment. If you wish to deploy bifrost, please make use of the bifrost-cli tool or Ansible playbooks noted in Bifrost's documentation (https://docs.openstack.org/bifrost/latest/). Bug Fixes ********* * Fixes support for ppc64le to allow its operation to co-exist with "pxe_transfer_protocol" being set to "http". This is because the ppc64le archtecture does not use an intermediate boot loader to perform PXE operations, and only supports use of TFTP based transfers. Changes in puppet-ironic 19.2.0..19.3.0 --------------------------------------- 1993e8f Prepare Xena M3 0c396db json_rpc: Fix the default project_name 3cabf75 Do not test authtoken parameters directly 40e185a Use a 'params' hash for authtoken parameters 263afe8 Remove default hardware type override f761d8d Accept string value for enabled_hardware_types 5ac602f Remove unnecessary workaround for missing ipmitool dependency 78f7e9e Deprecate bifrost support 0112497 Ensure tftp root directory is created 9e2422c Expose sync_power_state_workers 3252b48 Support Puppet 7 cc96b3a Fix the wrong function name 7f88e87 Deprecate invalid ironic_api_paste_ini da503fd Fix ppc64le support to coexist with PXE preference 1e45c99 Add support for policy settings of ironic-inspector 0ef5303 Add separate manifest for configuring json-rpc d99a51d Make ipxe bootfile name configurable Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- lib/puppet/type/ironic_api_paste_ini.rb | 2 +- manifests/api/authtoken.pp | 82 +++++----- manifests/bifrost.pp | 6 +- manifests/conductor.pp | 26 ++-- manifests/config.pp | 11 +- manifests/inspector.pp | 28 ++-- manifests/inspector/authtoken.pp | 82 +++++----- manifests/inspector/policy.pp | 68 +++++++++ manifests/json_rpc.pp | 110 ++++++++++++++ manifests/pxe.pp | 46 ++++-- metadata.json | 10 +- ...-sync-power-state-workers-57a03f7db87e679c.yaml | 4 + ...cate-ironic_api_paste_ini-7100439884d6febe.yaml | 9 ++ ...eprecates-bifrost-support-816bc270574ac32d.yaml | 10 ++ .../ironic-inspector-policy-a2573003212dd2be.yaml | 5 + .../notes/json-rpc-manifest-db95d2162857c54a.yaml | 5 + ...t-hardware-types-override-f71919cbdc96b4f2.yaml | 7 + ...th-http-default-transport-a7b179f6526b8047.yaml | 7 + .../uefi_ipxe_bootfile_name-f2ad0596ffe90598.yaml | 6 + spec/classes/ironic_api_authtoken_spec.rb | 169 ++++++++++++--------- spec/classes/ironic_conductor_spec.rb | 14 +- spec/classes/ironic_config_spec.rb | 11 -- spec/classes/ironic_inspector_authtoken_spec.rb | 167 +++++++++++--------- spec/classes/ironic_inspector_policy_spec.rb | 48 ++++++ spec/classes/ironic_inspector_spec.rb | 32 ++++ spec/classes/ironic_json_rpc_spec.rb | 88 +++++++++++ templates/inspector_dnsmasq_http.erb | 7 + 27 files changed, 760 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-)