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- 2 participants
- 233 discussions
We are tickled pink to announce the release of:
kolla 4.0.0: Kolla OpenStack Deployment
This release is part of the ocata release series.
Download the package from:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in kolla
c1bacab Fix missing python modules in Ceilometer
7199626 Bump OpenStack services version
108bc08 Improve kolla image build script for finding parent images
bfa840c Fix fluentd …
[View More]undefined method 'parse'
b0e45f5 Move to centos-release-openstack-ocata.rpm package
61c1c1b Add trove and sahara dashboard ubuntu binary
9ec3d11 Fix binary ironic-inspector rootwrap configuration
79f5099 Updated from global requirements
d198b68 Use correct inventory file for Bifrost
e6d222f Bump tacker-horizon to 0.8.0
b6ee94f Bump the services version
7d31c4d Workaround for setuptools bug affecting Bifrost
a9594af Fix test_build_rpm_setup failure after changed rpm_setup_config
f3ed7d3 Install network-generic-switch in neutron base images
6182e7d Install shellinabox and socat packages in ironic
7cef77a Re-enable grafana gpgcheck
114e5f4 Use ocata tag in
8b68589 Fix the read mariadb log permission issue for fluentd
454e027 Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/ocata
3a5b54e Update .gitreview for stable/ocata
db9162a Fix Kolla gate
d5e7c50 Update for kubernetes entrypoint
fe3debc Multi-Regions Support
0ecd348 Add miss kolla releasenotes
810fcdd Add fluent-plugin-parser pluin
f6cc534 Fix pushing images to local registry
3118558 Add redis container
35314e7 Move fluentd td.repo to base for consistency
3dd1508 Add openstack-magnum-ui package for centos binary
dddcc33 Revert "Update dumb-init to version 1.2.0"
5c5cc50 Using CI mirror host
974191a Fix solum dashboard
5b95528 Fix tacker dashboard
0e712db Install freezer dashboard into horizon image
4d78147 Delete the extra blank lines
5ceecfd Fix panko log folder owner
e5903d5 Remove include_header and include_footer in all Dockerfiles
0f49e95 Fix the policy file path in horizon container
8bc3628 Install osprofiler in magnum base container
aae9193 Containerized sshd does not work with older PAM
6aef71e Install tacker-horizon into horizon image
3b963bb Add openvswitch package for nova-libvirt container
4a5f53e Add nova-placement-api container
68be691 Remove skip-event-database parameter in ceilometer
ab1d757 Revert "Removed percona from ubuntu repos"
b8dcc31 Tidy up deliverables.yaml file
8261624 Fix the murano policy file path
40efebd Fix swift dockerfile
db26a7a remove /var/log/trove in trove dockerfile
a021dea Fix code format ceilometer_compute dockerfile
0612a5a rootwrap filters is removed in networking-sfc
7c054b2 Docs updated to get coverage report
e8c76c8 Remove all kolla-ansible related docs
7705803 Update elastic repo to https
abcb7b4 Create deliverables.yaml
f05750d Replace heka with fluentd in all profiles
6b79387 Clean dockerfile output on Ubuntu distro
49cd429 Update dumb-init to version 1.2.0
32e68de install murano dashboard package in horizon
f980d31 remove /var/log/rally in rally dockerfile
89b546d Add ipxe packages to Ironic PXE container
679a507 Add ceph fs containers
0bf3a99 Fix spelling mistake in
cd9dd2a Fix solum dashboard into horizon image.
1eb5809 Fix searchlight dashboard into horizon image.
4cacd40 Fix add kubernetes image release note format
5a530be Kubernetes: Rename Images to allow use with native deployment tools
dfe7284 Add vitrage images
1799ac7 Install karbor dashboard into horizon image
b6713a8 Add rabbitmq_install block to RabbitMQ Dockerfile
e6bfc5f Remove empty spaces dind dockerfile
7930127 Add block for dumb-init installation
040ff6e Fix ironic inspector
eb2a648 Fix manila-base dockerfile format
0d4befa remove /var/log/apache on keystone dockerfile
6854ecb Fix designate dockerfile
577ac8f Modify punctuation
85d218e Fix the gate failure
a0b14cf Modify punctuation
1493f48 Fix gnocchi dockerfile
e7e06c5 Fix aodh dockerfile
97e17be Fix the set config error
d0bf140 Fix barbican dockerfile
b2eacd6 Fix designate dockerfile
74249cc Add blocks for Ubuntu apt setup and package installation
096d3ea Fix kibana dockerfile format
58eee09 use static uid/gid in images
803dbe2 Remove Ansible and Globals.yml in diag script
9004321 Code coverage improvement for kolla
e5c3c41 Install epel-release-latest rather than certain version
ccd788d install ansible from pypi in bifrost
95607f1 Remove custom images
a3078d5 Modify the description in README.rst
efa628d Py3 and py2 implementation for kolla/image module
85abee1 Updated from global requirements
5fd2377 Support filtering output of --list-images
fb1f7f6 Add cloudkitty centos/oracle binary packages
eb1a75f Fix gnocchi gate error
db75665 Improve Quick Start documentation
10c26d9 Add Apache packages to nova-api container
1747791 Add Apache packages to cinder-api container
08d3ff6 Use ZUUL_REFNAME to get branch info during pack registry
6d14b90 Updated from global requirements
38d1e58 Add Apache packages to ironic-pxe container
e6fee0d Fix string formatting on error log
7700c6c Cover environment for kolla
f5613f5 Fix telegraf contaiers
7461c9d Fix grafana container
096ebf7 Remove unnecessary /var/log/sahara directory
d459d80 Fix kuryr container
e895364 Fix influxdb container
f313045 Add helm-repository image
69e2e9f Fix zaqar container
28b5df7 Add .project and .pydevproject to .gitignore
19b0def Configure local registries to proxy docker hub
febfd4e Support for multiple override files
3f0a79c add template-override subdirectory to contrib and doc
3cb8ded Fix mistral location
717fd48 neutron-vpnaas cannot run as root for redhat derivatives
1a6a952 Add python-gnocchiclient to ceilomter base image
f342206 Change freezer user to root
6ef486f Remove footer block and variable in *-base images
f1479c6 Add support for installing binary packages of watcher
ef68f9b Fix a typo in releasenotes
d25af52 Indent all binary part
10e649a Remove kolla-genpwd from setup.cfg
bacfc92 Improve kolla-build cmd help message
d5fc995 Remove trailing backtick
ea7047a Add tarballs-base parameter for kolla-build
8b8b4bb Add horizon into gate profile
20801af Remove source install type for novnc / spice
9813ef8 Not to pull the base images when building.
65f8568 Fix docs to require docker config on all nodes
8ec710d Enable zookeeper for CentOS/OracleLinux
cef3956 packing and uploading registry
ae8df40 Disable networking during bootstrapping
51197ba Add footer to Ceilometer base image
4c2156a Add zun container
0b9bd4a Add zun support in README.rst
c07d95e Clean up kolla-ansible related files from Kolla
c3b9ed1 Quickstart guide: disable libvirt apparmor
d46e9a2 HA router fails using neutron-vpn-agent
053044a Improve bash command used in bifrost-base image
f2328f0 Remove unneeded oslo-rootwrap in swift-base
762a5d4 Readme Steps fail for Vagrant
d3565b4 Add Kubernetes Images for Kolla-Kubernetes
5ddc9a9 Move Kafka down to the "Infrastructure components" section
86fdb5b Fix typo for Octavia link
3533808 Run sudo with -H parameter to set the proper home dir
0c020ea add octavia docker support in README.rst
48675e5 Fix designate container
9563e99 Add Monasca support in README.rst
bd76d26 Add docker support kafka in README.rst
af7a1da Removed percona from ubuntu repos
bbe4c0d Fix syntax issue in script
5f5f4c8 Correct dependency in quickstart.rst
da432b8 Add fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter in fluentd
91fd019 Readability improvement to base image
806a155 Download kafka binaries from within the container
7c76511 Split config list into lines
d93d303 Sort excluded images alphabetically
e854770 Expect monasca-base to fail build on Ubuntu binary
a81d48e Switch Ubuntu to overlay2 docker driver
73681e7 Remove /usr/bin/install from allowed commands
0e07b7b Collect logs at the end of gate
17d9e43 Add fluent-plugin-grok-parser in fluentd
f62b16f Move openvswitch db file into docker volume
96cc463 Trivial fix of horizon image
61401dc Fix manila-ui
023917a Install solum dashboard into horizon image
1296710 Fix git link
8bf24be Add monasca images
259266c Add kafka image
c780a98 Add zookeeper image
e285913 Remove the unnecessary "openstack-zaqar-ui"
a6df4d8 Fix the format issue
eace506 Remove `$` character for document consistency.
1105cb5 bifrost guide improved
b4e3ab5 Fix some typo
c04f1aa change "configurationso" to "configuration so"
10abb20 Install mistral dashboard into horizon image
6488c4b Remove useless script from repo
5220351 Change 'docker' to 'Docker' in docs
08e5a01 Fix panko dockerfile
6bde2f6 Fix dir specs typo error
50f9e0e Minor documentation fixes
2793bf4 Fix typo error fix typo error "libary" -> "library"
b47accb Update "searchlight-1.0.0.tar.gz" to "searchlight-master.tar.gz"
0d48715 Install watcher dashboard into horizon image
c1738ff Fix zaqar ui
e9b78fc Tacker Docker configuration
d01391f Add script for CI
05ba070 Install senlin dashboard into horizon image
302868b Updated from global requirements
5be2b0e Install zaqar ui into horizon image
8105f50 Fix octavia images
5913f04 Add ability to output the things built/failed/not build
8667027 Install magnum dashboard into the horizon image
8f031c6 Update Kibana documentation
2614dd6 Install searchlight-ui to horizon
9144359 add aodh os_aodh_apache_log.lua in heka
7910cf9 add os_gnocchi_apache_log.lua in heka
f49afa1 Add qemu-img into glance api image
5c96de1 Install designate dashboard into horizon image
539cc07 Install neutron-lbaas plugin in neutron-server container
a678da0 Consistently use a exception vs sys.exit
ec8e72d Don't process/queue children not matched
2e352a3 Corrected Punctuation in quickstart.rst
51a0869 Install trove dashboard into horizon image
c68b233 Remove the "nova-network" container file
f398c8d Add manila-ui in horizon image
08c78c4 add os_panko_apache_log.lua in heka
cee89ee Replaces uuid.uuid4 with uuidutils.generate_uuid()
069d1a2 Run docker registry in gate
0ebec5d Install cloudkitty dashboard in horizon image
0099de4 Use Dockerfile customization instead of include_header
31af52f Updated from global requirements
89dd91d Add strongswan to neutron-vpn-agent source image
06ff525 Bump Ubuntu cloud-archive repo to Ocata
3662504 Install sahara dashboard into horizon image
91d120c Add ironic-ui to horizon image
1314ca0 Clean up README.rst in docker repo
661f2a4 Remove --include-header and --include-footer parameter
101fc2d Install neutron-fwaas plugin in neutron-base
a00fde2 Show team and repo badges on README
67935c4 shared mount added for /var/lib/nova/mnt to QSG
3853b7d Set proper workdir for different distro in tempest container
cc6d491 Use kolla-ansible deploy_aio in gate
c756896 Add HACKING.rst and hacking test case.
06b4739 Support adding customized plugin to keystone image
22f55ac Add socat into haproxy image
cab3fd0 Add specs are advisory readme.rst to kolla repo
4b0e4e0 Fix Designate source image container assets
3794755 Add nfs package in manila-data dockerfile
6737006 Update Percona repo to current release
2d8be6b Add octavia docker image
a447b7a Add a section regarding share migration
abca6a9 Install mkfs.vfat tool in ironic-conductor image
91f0ff1 Run init-once in kolla-ansible folder
6b7a173 Remove tools/init-runonce in setup.cfg
b7ef747 Remove Ansible references from tox.ini
3a5a31e Clean up loc
b9c399d Remove init-runonce from docker repo
efa26ed Use kolla-ansible for deployment
f3657f3 Fix missing libvirt python module in ceilometer-compute (v2)
53461c6 Dependency init container
e36898e Add how configure multiple back ends section
dc0c07e Add a 'fallback mode' to disable udev in find_disks
3fcef82 Remove Ansible from Kolla
e284d4f Allow for specifying a KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE
3f5f93b Add tacker doc link into README.rst
d8fec8e Clean up docs around local registry
7b97cd0 Add neutron vpnaas code into neutron-server container
870616f Update docs around TrivialFix
1ebd95c Word choice for back end
69c674b Deprecate scheduler_max_attempts option in nova
becbee1 Revert "corrects invalid logrotate option maxsize"
2b7dea2 add new line in cleanup-containers
2a3df8d Ansible-ize OpenStack Designate
d996590 update dispatcher configurations for database backend
2f0d4cc Fix neutron.conf.j2 metadata_workers spelling error
e3ddc4e Use check_mode no instead of always_run
6eccfe5 Fix trove dockerfile
2dae2f0 Add karbor container
f6a525e Extract kolla exceptions into a single file
c04585b Fix placement of policy.json
f03e409 Add bindep environment to tox
7bb8839 Fix copying nfs_shares configuration
5833cd6 Add enable_cinder_backend_nfs option example
4a39e5f Allow operators to customise pip packages in nova_compute
2f9759e Add Karbor doc link in README.rst
fc54163 Use uuid as keystone default token provider
db99a79 Corrects typo "mondodb_port" in ceilometer
c16a130 Use horizon_logging_debug variable
1333f9a change docker.server to docker.service in kuryr-guide.rst
769b631 Add freezer to PROFILE_OPTS of common/
2f50beb Updated from global requirements
5cf88ed Using openstack_logging_debug variable in horizon
9ca2992 Add support freezer on README.rst
c89cbff Fix neutron lbaas dashboard
a695ebc Add support panko on README.rst
01737f2 update source code character error
f6e9c8e Added MountFlags for Ubuntu in multinode guide
b380833 source doc bifrost.rst charactor error
fabb22d add panko dockerfile
6275f70 Corrects typo "requried" in
c8f55a6 Use openstack_service_workers variable in gate
8df37b6 Show the rendered docker file
8cfd040 Remove Fedora support from manilla-data
7904c4a Add kolla_logs volume to kibana container
c4107ed corrects invalid logrotate option maxsize
48bb37f Remove adding repo in magnum-base Dockerfile
d79f757 Fix designate dockerfile
27a16cc Skip queuing build tasks for UNMATCHED images
17e6e62 Allow cinder-volume to be configured to use NFS
4417ffb Wait the wsrep_ready to be ON in mariadb
a2707ec Move manila-share service to network node
a2bfe39 Exclude port from ceilometer_database_mysql_address
9ed49df fix collectd dockerfile
b8da31d Add Solum doc link in README.rst
803aaa6 Uses tunnel_interface as ovs tunnel instead of api_interface
825edbf Fix typo in doc/bifrost.rst
ce89788 Allow flexibility in mysql backend for ceilometer
7e8c03e remove override_install_langs option in /etc/yum.conf
d7ed014 disable firewall in bootstrap-server
da62916 Deploy Telegraf on all nodes
35ac920 Check api_interface instead of network_interface
f3996f1 Adding logrotate configuration for ceilometer
ba0640c fix magnum [keystone_authtoken] configuration
51663a7 Add freezer container
fd644cc Add header blocks in CONTRIBUTING.rst guide
5076268 when condition corrected in ceilometer config.yml
82e9091 Run collect static during container startup when necessarily
6e7d73b Load all sections defined in code and conf file
06ce7be Add header blocks to Dockerfiles
2392d7e Add file validator for *.json.j2 file
c1d2c54 Fix spelling mistake in remove-fedora release note
34c7d15 Remove hostname from
b09825d Move to migrate in horizon
f270f0c Add solum container
69f980b change the mode for sudoers file
d915586 Add kolla_ prefix for all sudoers files
cf1dc75 Fix cinder volume permission issue
01307a0 Include oslo.vmware along with other oslo packages in openstack-base.
5ddba78 Fix plugin parsing for base images
4364ebd Fix typo in ansible/roles/haproxy/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2
dd50d68 Add OS_CACERT in openrc when it is configured
86a5c8c Add chrony docker image
bbb6ad1 Enable Gnocchi plugin in grafana
f88448e Change workers in murano service
a6ccbe1 Fix Manila-data binary distro
1f88680 Update manila-data service inventory
7093203 Fix typo
7de2e52 Fix keystone image building issue
4d867f1 Make Ubuntu gate work
6411fe4 baremetal group defined in all-in-one
51e6c10 Barbican: Fix race condition when starting procs simultaneously
c9e4e3d Unmount Ceph OSD disks as part of destroy
6c2d02a Changed the start script name in cinder-volume
5cd30d4 Remove Fedora support
fa45801 Move precheck into its own role
246acc4 nova-spicehtml5proxy dependency package added
9779778 Updated from global requirements
d323d39 Set the license field in pip
a373738 Revert "Build source from Newton rather then Master"
e714a74 Revert "Move RDO to Newton branches"
bc8c18f Add warning about mixing Kolla and OpenStack releases
6ca1c68 Fix gnocchi deploy
4255c3b Add kuryr to precheck
da650f8 added kibana reconfigure
e958d6f Add enable service logic in port check
d7d2e0d deprecate external_network_bridge option in neutron
ffa552b Update the way of loading the file
790c6b2 Adjust object-replicator heading within object.conf.j2 template.
dc79b45 change do_reconfigure.yml to reconfigure.yml in CONTRIBUTING.rst
ef1fd6b Custom policy files
ac8986a change "openstack" to "OpenStack"
90627ef Use become: True when updating /etc/hosts
193a819 Fix broken test in vagrant boostrap script
df54e88 Update the task's name
d625524 Add manila-data service
198e8d2 Updated from global requirements
c1d80d3 grafana added to haproxy to listen on VIP
5475a8c Add upgrade.yml for bifrost
bfd3e67 Add reconfigure.yml for bifrost
f6584f6 Correct the path of /etc/hosts
dab70bb Update the format of bifrost deploy.yml
b000ca4 Add missing vagrant plugin vbguest
2d95514 Mariadb performance tuning
2d446c4 Set memcache connection limit to 5000
37f36af Print all docker images in gate
a5afa45 Configure log path for kibana
1f31fb9 Remove haproxy_socket volume from telegraf container
409b635 Add a judgement condition in file pre-install.yml
1c6eae7 Remove kuryr-lib in upper-constraints.txt file when install master kuryr
8c8e296 Fix fernet related components added to fact var properly.
fd60d2b Unpin ARA, update callback location
5bdf98f Update "=" to "==" in "if" condition
8a63cf4 corrected line collapsing in ceilometer.conf
56a9c9a Add serial for searchlight
5c6cddb Remove the unnecessary "if" condition
e2c43b2 Allow operators to customise pip in kolla-toolbox
5b65d41 Fix spelling mistake in kolla-host release note
75cc748 Pin ARA to 0.9.1 temporarily
e259c2a Fix vagrant's kolla folder sync
7ef0b41 corrected register variable name in ceilometer bootstrap.yml
f982d4a Ansible2.0 changes: ansible_ssh_user to ansible_user
7786f39 Install the packages needed by different ironic drivers
b11504d Fix invalid json in ironic service
8775123 Add logrotate configuration for elasticsearch
0c60cbe Collect haproxy/elasticsearch/memcached metrics only on related hosts
e7d4a1e Move bandit to pep8 as generic linting target
3e89f98 Add validate no new line at end of file
b043a95 Add profile usage to kolla-build guide
b1e5383 Use xenial repos for Ubuntu in the gate
ed86c2b Update 'addUser' to 'createUser'
8260bfb Add blocks to customize RHEL package installation
2e91c3a Revert "Build source from Newton rather then Master"
c5c6827 Updated from global requirements
e5a278a Fix api_paste_config option
a986d1f remove not use configuration items in memcached
8d39cbe Fix memcache configuration of manila-share
ec57f58 Support searchlight ansible role
70643a5 Add http as allowed store when glance configured to use rbd
5040ea5 Deprecate auth_plugin option in manila
53150ca Memcache configuration for Ceilometer is broken
4c24dd6 Remove unnecessary blank line from file glance-api.json.j2
1fe4513 Support Searchlight Docker container
70de71c Fix mariadb build issue
0805fb6 Congress doesn't deploy release note
b76a58a Fix wrong log permission for services collected through syslog
4ea452e Update globals.yml Docker registry example notes
05700da Add node_custom_config example to globals.yml
c5791db Remove inputs.filestat from telegraf configuration
46b41d2 Adding kubetoolbox image
d7d8fc8 Murano fails to deploy - cannot check core library
aed67d9 Add missing closing brace in grafana configuration file
88e9323 Bump retries in starting nova-libvirt to 5
d165cca dependencies added to build code with pip in QSG
0e6c0ab Fix syntax error in sahara permissions
ba1eb03 Fix gnocchi upgrade permission issue
c72b9cf Ironic should be started before nova-ironic-compute
ce3126c Fix grafana upgrade permission issue
558d8ae Fix neutron upgrade permission issue
e957225 Fix influxdb upgrade permission issue
8a19ffc Fix wrong magnum volume path in json file
7fb32cf Fix for cinder not working with permissions changes
6f0e770 Fix nova upgrade permission issue
a0d5ac7 Fix murano upgrade permission issue
a60e47d Ceilometer cannot create standalone mysql database
88bbd1b Fix configuration templates used for Ceilometer
f11a504 Add guide for Hitachi NAS Platform Driver for Manila
fb109d2 Update OpenStack service names
d62cded Fix mongodb upgrade permission issue
4223fdf Fix log directory of Elasticsearch
96515ae Fix senlin upgrade permission issue
5668427 Merge run commands in elasticsearch container
4e073cc Use correct Kibana version on the gates
1a57ab0 Fix ironic upgrade permission issue
ecab56a Fix common role upgrade permission issue
ef5e1ee Fix rally upgrade permission issue
2b7abb6 Fix watcher upgrade permission issue
1aeecf1 Fix docs formatting error
cab32bc Fix sahara upgrade permission issue
032234b Fix cinder upgrade permission issue
e29a09d fix cron logrotate for sahara
060b205 Remove ceph repo for Ubuntu install
cc2dde0 OpenStack Services Should Use keystone_internal_url for auth
38912d8 Cinder endpoint wrong fix
250d7bc Fix elasticsearch upgrade permission issue
b361fe8 Fix heat upgrade permission issue
226b843 Fix magnum upgrade permission issue
a8cb87c Fix mistral upgrade permission issue
709cbd3 Fix manila upgrade permission issue
2d570b8 Fix congress upgrade permission issue
01310b8 Fix telegraf upgrade permission issue
92aef9c change perm 0644 to 0600 in murano role
a31a70d Delete the unnecessary space
ce5a11a Fix stale namespace removal issue
bb51ca3 Fix mariadb upgrade permission issue
d189134 Port prechecks only for enabled services
9660b57 Consistently set sys path when using local tools
2828fe8 Fix glance upgrade permission issue
cd96866 Remove indentation from l3_agent.ini.j2
7bc185a Update Manila Guide
033a444 Fix ceilometer idempotent
b725bd0 Move demos and dev directory into a new contrib directory
64e6e58 Reorder the interface/network checks.
d1676d3 move sys.exit out of try finally block in file
e7bdc62 Fix keystone upgrade permission issue
ec0a7fb Add watcher checking to port_checks.yml
982e3bf add magnum to precheck
3c645f1 add kibana to precheck
157dc0f Make iscsi config.yml consistent with start.yml
223524b copy iscsid logrotate config
0613c41 Update reno for stable/newton
1706e17 Fix template for multiple physical networks
bcd3868 Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini
16a1f9f Mount host localtime for containers
96016b7 set basic kolla structures for iscsid
a0da381 precheck fails due to unknown cinder_volume_group
d5fe8a3 Cleanup container script improvement
d54c1d6 Add missing debugging paramters to nova config
3d996ae copy ldlinux.c32 to /tftpboot in ironic_pxe
c0fd438 Move graphviz dependency to test stage
7496794 Adds Fluentd docker image required for kolla-kube
4c207bc Fix rabbitmq upgrade permission issue
bedca5b Fix keystone fernet file exchange via ssh
a6ec0af Updated from global requirements
6796a95 Fix wrong mongodb address variable in ceilomter bootstrap
579dc84 Install MySQL-python with pip in openstack-base container (type source)
4817cd7 change source to . in gnocchi-base dockerfile
00f09e8 Hyperlink is expired
9eb3840 ansible: swift: Fix swift-object-expirer restart loop
0e0fedb Allow operators to change hw_disk_discard in Nova
33d6018 Modify QSG to install dependencies needed to build code with pip
1b519cc Use option auth_type in group trustee in heat configuration
44f5f5b Add HNAS as Manila backend
504852d add grafana log in heka
d8dd75b Make number of ceilometer-api processes configurable
26c221d Make number of gnocchi-api processes configurable
053b904 Make number of aodh-api processes configurable
801f36a Make number of keystone processes configurable
ab51cdc Add upgrade tasks for Mongodb
cebed25 Change keystone.log's permit to keystone:keystone
9bfa1ae Enable release notes translation
18785f4 Remove unneeded blank lines
579dd2e Remove default values from conf file
b9921da Readability Improvements to Advanced Config Doc
9f6b6db Update the upgrade.yml for mariadb roles
7b2a2ce Fix a few typos in documentation
a0dc58e Use sudo to create loop device on gate nodes
ce11216 Improve playbook to setup gate nodes
3c14fe6 Move loc tool into tools directory
9cc8876 add influxdb to precheck
7633e90 add ceilometer congress to precheck.yml
300c2bd add etcd to precheck
ff708f1 Update the location of Glance Registry HAProxy checks
fa85655 Remove do_reconfigure.yml file for all roles
61c0291 Remove default=None when set value in config
3e5e7f2 Adding the steps of generateing ssh key in tools/init-runonce
45d2019 Follow Docker Inc's trademark guidelines
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.gitignore | 6 +
.gitreview | 1 +
HACKING.rst | 13 +
README.rst | 85 ++-
ansible/action_plugins/ | 96 ---
ansible/action_plugins/ | 96 ---
ansible/bifrost.yml | 5 -
ansible/certificates.yml | 4 -
ansible/destroy.yml | 4 -
ansible/group_vars/all.yml | 420 -----------
ansible/inventory/all-in-one | 383 ----------
ansible/inventory/multinode | 401 ----------
ansible/kolla-host.yml | 7 -
ansible/library/ | 193 -----
ansible/library/ | 751 -------------------
ansible/library/ | 51 --
ansible/library/ | 51 --
ansible/mariadb_recovery.yml | 8 -
ansible/post-deploy.yml | 9 -
ansible/prechecks.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/aodh/defaults/main.yml | 43 --
ansible/roles/aodh/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/config.yml | 47 --
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/deploy.yml | 18 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 79 --
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/pull.yml | 28 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/register.yml | 40 -
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/start.yml | 45 --
ansible/roles/aodh/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/aodh/templates/aodh-api.json.j2 | 19 -
.../roles/aodh/templates/aodh-evaluator.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/aodh/templates/aodh-listener.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/aodh/templates/aodh-notifier.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/aodh/templates/aodh.conf.j2 | 40 -
ansible/roles/aodh/templates/wsgi-aodh.conf.j2 | 25 -
ansible/roles/barbican/defaults/main.yml | 40 -
ansible/roles/barbican/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/config.yml | 53 --
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/deploy.yml | 16 -
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 74 --
ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
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ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 5 -
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ansible/roles/barbican/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
.../barbican/templates/barbican-api-paste.ini.j2 | 60 --
.../roles/barbican/templates/barbican-api.ini.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/barbican/templates/barbican-api.json.j2 | 23 -
.../templates/barbican-keystone-listener.json.j2 | 11 -
.../barbican/templates/barbican-worker.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/barbican/templates/barbican.conf.j2 | 55 --
ansible/roles/baremetal/defaults/main.yml | 33 -
.../roles/baremetal/tasks/bootstrap-servers.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/baremetal/tasks/install.yml | 59 --
ansible/roles/baremetal/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/baremetal/tasks/post-install.yml | 86 ---
ansible/roles/baremetal/tasks/pre-install.yml | 140 ----
.../roles/baremetal/templates/docker_apt_repo.j2 | 2 -
.../roles/baremetal/templates/docker_defaults.j2 | 26 -
.../baremetal/templates/docker_systemd_service.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/baremetal/templates/docker_yum_repo.j2 | 6 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/defaults/main.yml | 7 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 28 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/config.yml | 30 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/deploy-servers.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/deploy.yml | 5 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 1 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/start.yml | 13 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/upgrade.yml | 1 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/bifrost.yml.j2 | 3 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/dib.yml.j2 | 2 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/id_rsa | 1 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/ | 1 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/servers.yml.j2 | 1 -
ansible/roles/bifrost/templates/ssh_config | 3 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/defaults/main.yml | 50 --
ansible/roles/ceilometer/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 51 --
.../roles/ceilometer/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 22 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/config.yml | 62 --
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/deploy.yml | 14 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 84 ---
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/pull.yml | 35 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 7 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/register.yml | 40 -
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/start.yml | 67 --
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
.../ceilometer/templates/ceilometer-api.json.j2 | 20 -
.../templates/ceilometer-central.json.j2 | 11 -
.../templates/ceilometer-collector.json.j2 | 11 -
.../templates/ceilometer-compute.json.j2 | 11 -
.../templates/ceilometer-notification.json.j2 | 29 -
.../roles/ceilometer/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2 | 57 --
.../ceilometer/templates/event_definitions.yaml.j2 | 553 --------------
.../ceilometer/templates/event_pipeline.yaml.j2 | 13 -
.../roles/ceilometer/templates/pipeline.yaml.j2 | 92 ---
.../templates/wsgi-ceilometer-api.conf.j2 | 24 -
ansible/roles/ceph/defaults/main.yml | 23 -
ansible/roles/ceph/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml | 38 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml | 117 ---
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ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/deploy.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/distribute_keyrings.yml | 46 --
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 214 ------
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/generate_cluster.yml | 28 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/pull.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 5 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_mons.yml | 16 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_osds.yml | 51 --
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgws.yml | 11 -
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/upgrade.yml | 13 -
ansible/roles/ceph/templates/ceph-mon.json.j2 | 43 --
ansible/roles/ceph/templates/ceph-osd.json.j2 | 21 -
ansible/roles/ceph/templates/ceph-rgw.json.j2 | 23 -
ansible/roles/ceph/templates/ceph.conf.j2 | 38 -
ansible/roles/ceph_pools.yml | 80 --
ansible/roles/certificates/tasks/generate.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/certificates/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
.../certificates/templates/openssl-kolla.cnf.j2 | 16 -
ansible/roles/cinder/defaults/main.yml | 80 --
ansible/roles/cinder/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 20 -
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ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/register.yml | 43 --
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/start.yml | 67 --
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/cinder/templates/cinder-api.json.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/cinder/templates/cinder-backup.json.j2 | 18 -
.../cinder/templates/cinder-scheduler.json.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/cinder/templates/cinder-volume.json.j2 | 23 -
ansible/roles/cinder/templates/cinder.conf.j2 | 103 ---
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/defaults/main.yml | 39 -
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
.../roles/cloudkitty/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 20 -
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/tasks/config.yml | 34 -
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/tasks/deploy.yml | 14 -
ansible/roles/cloudkitty/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 66 --
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.../cloudkitty/templates/cloudkitty-api.json.j2 | 11 -
.../templates/cloudkitty-processor.json.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/cloudkitty/templates/cloudkitty.conf.j2 | 51 --
ansible/roles/collectd/defaults/main.yml | 12 -
ansible/roles/collectd/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/config.yml | 23 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/deploy.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 61 --
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/pull.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/start.yml | 15 -
ansible/roles/collectd/tasks/upgrade.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/collectd/templates/collectd.json.j2 | 3 -
ansible/roles/common/defaults/main.yml | 19 -
ansible/roles/common/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 7 -
ansible/roles/common/tasks/config.yml | 94 ---
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ansible/roles/common/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 42 --
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ansible/roles/common/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/common/tasks/start.yml | 49 --
ansible/roles/common/tasks/upgrade.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/common/templates/ | 8 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-ansible.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-aodh.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-barbican.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-cinder.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-cloudkitty.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-glance.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-global.conf.j2 | 21 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-gnocchi.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-haproxy.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-heat.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-keepalived.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-keystone.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-magnum.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-manila.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-mariadb.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-mistral.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-murano.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-neutron.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-nova.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-rabbitmq.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-sahara.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-senlin.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../common/templates/cron-logrotate-swift.conf.j2 | 3 -
.../templates/cron-logrotate-watcher.conf.j2 | 3 -
ansible/roles/common/templates/cron.json.j2 | 45 --
ansible/roles/common/templates/heka-aodh.toml.j2 | 13 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-barbican.toml.j2 | 13 -
.../common/templates/heka-elasticsearch.toml.j2 | 16 -
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.../roles/common/templates/heka-gnocchi.toml.j2 | 13 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-haproxy.toml.j2 | 9 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-horizon.toml.j2 | 13 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-keepalived.toml.j2 | 9 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-keystone.toml.j2 | 13 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-mariadb.toml.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-openstack.toml.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/common/templates/heka-rabbitmq.toml.j2 | 18 -
ansible/roles/common/templates/heka-swift.toml.j2 | 9 -
ansible/roles/common/templates/heka.json.j2 | 105 ---
.../roles/common/templates/kolla-toolbox.json.j2 | 4 -
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.../roles/congress/templates/congress-api.json.j2 | 11 -
.../congress/templates/congress-datasource.json.j2 | 11 -
.../templates/congress-policy-engine.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/congress/templates/congress.conf.j2 | 49 --
ansible/roles/destroy/defaults/main.yml | 2 -
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ansible/roles/destroy/tasks/cleanup_images.yml | 5 -
ansible/roles/destroy/tasks/copy_tools.yml | 31 -
ansible/roles/destroy/tasks/main.yml | 8 -
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.../roles/elasticsearch/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 64 --
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ansible/roles/elasticsearch/tasks/pull.yml | 6 -
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.../elasticsearch/templates/elasticsearch.json.j2 | 11 -
.../elasticsearch/templates/elasticsearch.yml.j2 | 19 -
ansible/roles/etcd/defaults/main.yml | 10 -
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ansible/roles/glance/templates/glance-api.json.j2 | 18 -
.../roles/glance/templates/glance-registry.conf.j2 | 52 --
.../roles/glance/templates/glance-registry.json.j2 | 11 -
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ansible/roles/gnocchi/tasks/start.yml | 36 -
ansible/roles/gnocchi/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/gnocchi/templates/api-paste.ini.j2 | 38 -
.../roles/gnocchi/templates/gnocchi-api.json.j2 | 38 -
.../gnocchi/templates/gnocchi-metricd.json.j2 | 23 -
.../roles/gnocchi/templates/gnocchi-statsd.json.j2 | 23 -
ansible/roles/gnocchi/templates/gnocchi.conf.j2 | 56 --
.../roles/gnocchi/templates/wsgi-gnocchi.conf.j2 | 17 -
ansible/roles/grafana/defaults/main.yml | 16 -
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ansible/roles/grafana/templates/grafana.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/haproxy/defaults/main.yml | 14 -
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ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/start.yml | 37 -
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ansible/roles/haproxy/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 | 599 ---------------
ansible/roles/haproxy/templates/haproxy.json.j2 | 18 -
ansible/roles/haproxy/templates/keepalived.conf.j2 | 33 -
ansible/roles/haproxy/templates/keepalived.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/heat/defaults/main.yml | 43 --
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ansible/roles/heat/tasks/start.yml | 36 -
ansible/roles/heat/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/heat/templates/_deprecated.yaml | 4 -
ansible/roles/heat/templates/heat-api-cfn.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/heat/templates/heat-api.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/heat/templates/heat-engine.json.j2 | 17 -
ansible/roles/heat/templates/heat.conf.j2 | 91 ---
ansible/roles/horizon/defaults/main.yml | 28 -
ansible/roles/horizon/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/horizon/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/horizon/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 19 -
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ansible/roles/telegraf/tasks/start.yml | 19 -
ansible/roles/telegraf/tasks/upgrade.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.conf.j2 | 55 --
ansible/roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.json.j2 | 17 -
ansible/roles/tempest/defaults/main.yml | 23 -
ansible/roles/tempest/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/config.yml | 26 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/deploy.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 64 --
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/pull.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/start.yml | 11 -
ansible/roles/tempest/tasks/upgrade.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/tempest/templates/tempest.conf.j2 | 73 --
ansible/roles/tempest/templates/tempest.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/defaults/main.yml | 25 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/config.yml | 26 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/deploy.yml | 6 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 58 --
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/pull.yml | 7 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/start.yml | 11 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/tasks/upgrade.yml | 4 -
ansible/roles/vmtp/templates/cfg.default.yaml.j2 | 41 --
ansible/roles/watcher/defaults/main.yml | 38 -
ansible/roles/watcher/meta/main.yml | 3 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 41 --
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/bootstrap_service.yml | 20 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/config.yml | 37 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/deploy.yml | 16 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/do_reconfigure.yml | 71 --
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/main.yml | 2 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/pull.yml | 21 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 5 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/register.yml | 40 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/start.yml | 36 -
ansible/roles/watcher/tasks/upgrade.yml | 6 -
.../roles/watcher/templates/watcher-api.json.j2 | 11 -
.../watcher/templates/watcher-applier.json.j2 | 11 -
.../roles/watcher/templates/watcher-engine.json.j2 | 11 -
ansible/roles/watcher/templates/watcher.conf.j2 | 43 --
ansible/site.yml | 380 ----------
bindep.txt | 1 +
contrib/demos/heat/README.rst | 15 +
contrib/demos/heat/launch | 11 +
contrib/demos/heat/steak-rg.yaml | 43 ++
contrib/demos/heat/steak.yaml | 54 ++
contrib/demos/magnum/redis | 5 +
contrib/demos/magnum/redis-kube/README.rst | 197 +++++
.../demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-controller.yaml | 28 +
contrib/demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-master.yaml | 33 +
contrib/demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-proxy.yaml | 14 +
.../redis-kube/redis-sentinel-controller.yaml | 23 +
.../magnum/redis-kube/redis-sentinel-service.yaml | 13 +
contrib/demos/magnum/start | 40 +
contrib/demos/magnum/stop | 8 +
contrib/dev/vagrant/Vagrantfile | 252 +++++++
contrib/dev/vagrant/Vagrantfile.custom.example | 92 +++
contrib/dev/vagrant/ | 226 ++++++
contrib/dev/vagrant/ | 134 ++++
contrib/template-override/.keep | 0
deliverables.yaml | 12 +
demos/heat/README.rst | 15 -
demos/heat/launch | 11 -
demos/heat/steak-rg.yaml | 43 --
demos/heat/steak.yaml | 54 --
demos/magnum/redis | 5 -
demos/magnum/redis-kube/README.rst | 197 -----
demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-controller.yaml | 28 -
demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-master.yaml | 33 -
demos/magnum/redis-kube/redis-proxy.yaml | 14 -
.../redis-kube/redis-sentinel-controller.yaml | 23 -
.../magnum/redis-kube/redis-sentinel-service.yaml | 13 -
demos/magnum/start | 40 -
demos/magnum/stop | 8 -
dev/vagrant/Vagrantfile | 252 -------
dev/vagrant/Vagrantfile.custom.example | 92 ---
dev/vagrant/ | 226 ------
dev/vagrant/ | 134 ----
.../barbican-keystone-listener/Dockerfile.j2 | 2 +-
.../ceilometer/ceilometer-collector/Dockerfile.j2 | 3 +-
.../ceilometer-notification/Dockerfile.j2 | 3 +-
.../cloudkitty/cloudkitty-processor/Dockerfile.j2 | 12 +-
.../congress/congress-policy-engine/Dockerfile.j2 | 1 -
.../designate-backend-bind9/Dockerfile.j2 | 21 +-
.../designate/designate-pool-manager/Dockerfile.j2 | 17 +-
.../heka/plugins/decoders/os_aodh_apache_log.lua | 71 ++
.../plugins/decoders/os_ceilometer_apache_log.lua | 72 ++
.../plugins/decoders/os_gnocchi_apache_log.lua | 71 ++
.../heka/plugins/decoders/os_panko_apache_log.lua | 72 ++
.../heka/plugins/decoders/os_zaqar_apache_log.lua | 72 ++
.../ironic/ironic-inspector/ironic_sudoers_binary | 1 +
.../ironic/ironic-inspector/ironic_sudoers_source | 1 +
.../kube-controller-manager-amd64/Dockerfile.j2 | 25 +
.../neutron-linuxbridge-agent/Dockerfile.j2 | 3 +-
.../neutron/neutron-metadata-agent/Dockerfile.j2 | 6 +-
.../neutron/neutron-metering-agent/Dockerfile.j2 | 3 +-
.../neutron-openvswitch-agent/Dockerfile.j2 | 3 +-
.../octavia/octavia-health-manager/Dockerfile.j2 | 25 +
.../openvswitch-db-server/Dockerfile.j2 | 1 -
.../openvswitch-db-server/ | 4 +-
.../openvswitch-db-server/ | 10 +-
.../openvswitch/openvswitch-vswitchd/Dockerfile.j2 | 1 -
.../searchlight/searchlight-base/ | 10 +
.../searchlight/searchlight-listener/Dockerfile.j2 | 16 +
etc/kolla/.keep | 0
etc/kolla/globals.yml | 260 -------
etc/kolla/passwords.yml | 148 ----
kolla/cmd/ | 3 +
kolla/cmd/ | 87 ---
kolla/common/ | 708 +++++++++++++++---
kolla/ | 29 +
kolla/hacking/ | 6 +-
kolla/image/ | 153 ++--
loc | 33 -
.../notes/add-designate-c789e47f8ced394d.yaml | 5 +
.../notes/add-freezer-74c9b538348cd62a.yaml | 3 +
.../add-grafana-in-heka-6397498442c00670.yaml | 3 +
releasenotes/notes/add-kafka-26c9e54c934b1119.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/add-karbor-e6cfd97f965a4a9f.yaml | 5 +
.../add-kubernetes-images-76f5a60e98d09eb7.yaml | 13 +
.../notes/add-monasca-3c60b3e44d3c4267.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/add-neutron-vpnaas-88e0780326100e36.yaml | 2 +-
.../add-panko-dockerfile-ff69a745aca3ec15.yaml | 3 +
releasenotes/notes/add-solum-aa448921b2b58989.yaml | 3 +
.../add-tacker-dockerfile-3388429491d80239.yaml | 3 +
...d-tarballs-base-parameter-c1ddfa6de5dfd622.yaml | 4 +
.../notes/add-zookeeper-2454cdfbfa7047b4.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/add-zun-dockerfile-fb604877dc9c15fe.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/congress-broken-cbf8ca59d90a85cb.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/custom-policies-5a9bb2b59d19b484.yaml | 3 +
.../customise-toolbox-pip-e574c422afae0d93.yaml | 4 +
.../docker-build-nopull-base-a860d046b9059cfc.yaml | 6 +
...mport-murano-core-library-86f00abaa21cfb94.yaml | 2 +-
...tegrate-gnocchi-with-ceph-a6d5f81f4d8b0391.yaml | 2 +-
.../notes/kolla-host-584270e3aee6dfd6.yaml | 2 +-
...ila-share-to-network-node-57c61e757c5b96b2.yaml | 7 +
.../notes/redis-container-810eec9915d426d8.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/remove-fedora-44af79f3e061e8d6.yaml | 4 +
...-header-footer-parameters-68a6374635a8c9b0.yaml | 6 + | 5 +
.../notes/static-uid-gid-b90800f2947e656d.yaml | 10 +
.../templete-override-files-c7489543d92d1811.yaml | 10 +
.../notes/unmount-ceph-osds-43b7b59685bff5b4.yaml | 3 +
.../notes/vitrage-containers-3bfb360357aa628b.yaml | 6 +
releasenotes/source/ | 3 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 +
releasenotes/source/newton.rst | 6 +
requirements.txt | 14 +-
setup.cfg | 11 +-
specs/README.rst | 17 +
specs/ansible-multi.rst | 30 +-
specs/containerize-openstack.rst | 46 +-
specs/high-availability.rst | 12 +-
specs/kubernetes-deployment.rst | 52 +-
specs/logging-with-heka.rst | 110 +--
specs/template.rst | 4 +-
test-requirements.txt | 11 +-
tools/cleanup-containers | 28 -
tools/cleanup-host | 65 --
tools/cleanup-images | 10 +-
tools/ | 132 +---
tools/diag | 7 -
tools/ | 96 +++
tools/ | 1 -
tools/init-runonce | 120 ---
tools/kolla-ansible | 224 ------
tools/loc | 31 +
tools/openrc-example | 49 --
tools/playbook-setup-nodes.yml | 41 ++
tools/ | 13 +-
tools/ | 6 +-
tools/ | 101 ++-
tools/setup_nodes.yml | 35 -
tools/start-registry | 8 +
tools/ | 113 +++
tools/ | 7 -
tools/ | 44 --
tools/ | 7 +-
tox.ini | 25 +-
1243 files changed, 6793 insertions(+), 33533 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0b5a62d..1e388a8 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,3 +4,3 @@
-pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
-docker-py<1.8.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-Jinja2>=2.8 # BSD License (3 clause)
+pbr>=1.8 # Apache-2.0
+docker-py>=1.8.1 # Apache-2.0
+Jinja2!=2.9.0,!=2.9.1,!=2.9.2,!=2.9.3,!=2.9.4,>=2.8 # BSD License (3 clause)
@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-oslo.config>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
-graphviz!=0.5.0,>=0.4.0 # MIT License
-setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
+oslo.config!=3.18.0,>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.18.0 # Apache-2.0
+setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
@@ -14 +14 @@ pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain
-netaddr>=0.7.13,!=0.7.16 # BSD
+netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.13 # BSD
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 883a801..9cf4343 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6,0 +7,2 @@ beautifulsoup4 # MIT
+coverage>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
+ddt>=1.0.1 # MIT
@@ -8,0 +11 @@ extras # MIT
+graphviz!=0.5.0,>=0.4.0 # MIT License
@@ -13 +16 @@ oslosphinx>=4.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-reno>=1.8.0 # Apache2
+reno>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -18 +21 @@ python-ceilometerclient>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-heatclient>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-heatclient>=1.6.1 # Apache-2.0
@@ -20,2 +23,2 @@ python-neutronclient>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-openstackclient>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-swiftclient>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-openstackclient>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-swiftclient>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
[View Less]
We are tickled pink to announce the release of:
kolla-ansible 4.0.0: Ansible Deployment of Kolla containers
This release is part of the ocata release series.
Download the package from:
For more details, please see below.
Nova cells are required as of Ocata release, before upgrade database
should be created. Due a bug in Nova, only latest code can be used to
create default cells. Ensure nova is fully updated and have this patch
[View More]applied before start upgrade to Ocata or upgrade to Kolla 3.0.3
New Features
* Run ansible playbooks in serial is disabled by default now. Serial
is not recommended. But you can enable it by configuring
ANSIBLE_SERIAL environment variable.
* Kolla-ansible reconfigure rework to increase reconfigure
Upgrade Notes
* cinder_rbd_secret_uuid variable is requirement in passwords.yml
Changes in kolla-ansible
1ae26fa Disable running playbooks in serial by default
cb30561 Fix Ceilometer cannot create MySQL database
af99276 Make qemu use nova user
a24acd7 Fix dbPath typo in templates/mongodb.json.j2
de4fe53 Fix booting from volume failure
f094da9 Fix keystone idempotency
67556e3 Access placement service through internal interface rather than public
a2c79d8 Run precheck after deployed openstack
ed483fd Use internal interface instead of public interface
67bbb86 Fix the failure when running precheck after deploy
c3645b2 Add the missing prechecks for placement_api
dbc2a69 Release note for reconfiguration optimizaiton
36351b9 Start nova-conductor earlier
554c2d8 Add default dnsmasq_dns_servers in dhcp_agent.ini file
3b21848 Set default value for osds/osd_ids facts when facts not set
67cd72c Fix Creating Panko MongoDB database failed
f8c4743 Etcd fails to start - missing environment parameter
c98045a Fixed some tox errors in docs
9dc0785 Fix Creating Ceilometer MongoDB database failed
4265833 Map cell0 and sync None cell before nova database upgrade
5266be7 Update the panko location of site.yml
0f5a6c5 Add missing dashboard policies
203fd79 Add until in restart nova libvirt task
b12cdad Updated from global requirements
df2e3df Fix rabbitmq log ulti-line cutting problem
cd47c4b ironic-dnsmasq should use ironic-inspector group
adb803b ironic_dnsmasq doesn't support reconfiguration
9bf3154 Fix BASEDIR because of new kolla-ansible project name
258f014 Do not failed when there is no nova-compute is running
a2e3cd6 Disable nova-compute when enable_ironic is yes
603e50b Replace "ara generate" by "ara generate html"
6bde51c Fix typo in nova-serialproxy handler
610c41e Fix wrong module argument name for kolla_toolbox
813b62a Use correct inventory file for Bifrost
a122793 Fix haproxy log not writable in upgrade
3526c45 Fix extension_drivers check in ml2
7c727c8 Fix typo in neutron's default/main.yml file
bb4c32d Fix freezer auth issue
36dc07a Change freezer service type
220b0f3 Fix chrony genconfig
e2be418 Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/ocata
856dc1a Update .gitreview for stable/ocata
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.gitreview | 1 +
ansible/roles/bifrost/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 13 ++--
ansible/roles/ceilometer/tasks/precheck.yml | 9 +++
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 12 ++--
ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgw_keystone.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/chrony/handlers/main.yml | 4 ++
ansible/roles/chrony/tasks/config.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/cinder/tasks/precheck.yml | 10 +++
ansible/roles/cinder/templates/cinder.conf.j2 | 2 +-
ansible/roles/common/templates/ | 1 +
.../templates/conf/input/03-rabbitmq.conf.j2 | 6 +-
ansible/roles/common/templates/fluentd.json.j2 | 13 ++++
ansible/roles/etcd/handlers/main.yml | 1 +
ansible/roles/freezer/tasks/register.yml | 2 +-
.../roles/freezer/templates/freezer-api.conf.j2 | 6 +-
ansible/roles/glance/tasks/precheck.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/precheck.yml | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++-
ansible/roles/horizon/tasks/config.yml | 41 +++++------
ansible/roles/horizon/templates/horizon.json.j2 | 21 ++++--
ansible/roles/ironic/tasks/config.yml | 1 +
ansible/roles/ironic/tasks/pull.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/ironic/tasks/reconfigure.yml | 9 ++-
ansible/roles/ironic/tasks/start.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/precheck.yml | 7 ++
ansible/roles/keystone/templates/keystone.conf.j2 | 1 +
ansible/roles/mongodb/templates/mongodb.json.j2 | 2 +-
ansible/roles/neutron/defaults/main.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/neutron/tasks/precheck.yml | 33 +++++++++
ansible/roles/neutron/templates/dhcp_agent.ini.j2 | 1 +
ansible/roles/neutron/templates/ml2_conf.ini.j2 | 2 +-
ansible/roles/nova/defaults/main.yml | 2 +-
ansible/roles/nova/handlers/main.yml | 51 +++++++-------
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 4 +-
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/ceph.yml | 39 +++++++++--
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/external-ceph.yml | 59 ++++++++++++----
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/precheck.yml | 25 +++++++
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/simple_cell_setup.yml | 4 ++
ansible/roles/nova/tasks/upgrade.yml | 34 ++++++++--
ansible/roles/nova/templates/nova.conf.j2 | 2 +
ansible/roles/nova/templates/qemu.conf.j2 | 11 +++
ansible/roles/nova/templates/secret.xml.j2 | 4 +-
ansible/roles/panko/tasks/bootstrap.yml | 5 +-
ansible/roles/prechecks/tasks/port_checks.yml | 38 -----------
ansible/roles/prechecks/tasks/precheck.yml | 1 -
ansible/roles/prechecks/tasks/service_checks.yml | 65 ------------------
ansible/roles/swift/tasks/precheck.yml | 10 +++
ansible/site.yml | 43 ++++++------
etc/kolla/passwords.yml | 3 +
kolla_ansible/cmd/ | 10 ++-
...create-nova-cells-upgrade-ccddf7259eba16dd.yaml | 7 ++
...disable-serial-in-default-442093aca22658f4.yaml | 5 ++
.../reconfigure-optimization-d8194c854144ca4f.yaml | 3 +
...-rbd-secret-uuid-password-f022e546930158ab.yaml | 4 ++
requirements.txt | 2 +-
tools/ | 5 +-
tools/kolla-ansible | 13 ++--
tox.ini | 2 +-
59 files changed, 486 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 28fdf05..02a16fe 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -12 +12 @@ oslo.utils>=3.18.0 # Apache-2.0
-setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
+setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
[View Less]
We high-spiritedly announce the release of:
oslo.policy 1.20.0: Oslo Policy library
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in oslo.policy 1.19.0..1.20.0
[View More]8ca44b3 Allow multiline descriptions for RuleDefaults
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
oslo_policy/ | 17 +++++++++++++----
2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
[View Less]
We are stoked to announce the release of:
tooz 1.51.0: Coordination library for distributed systems.
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in tooz 1.50.0..1.51.0
a73ca9f pass …
[View More]on partitions
3253241 Rewrite heartbeat runner with event
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
tooz/ | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
[View Less]
We are happy to announce the release of:
oslo.i18n 3.14.0: Oslo i18n library
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in oslo.i18n 3.13.0..3.14.0
0fa2984 Python 3.5 …
[View More]is added
108d2bb Fix wrong response with language zh-TW.
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
oslo_i18n/ | 18 +++++++++++++++---
setup.cfg | 2 +-
tox.ini | 2 +-
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
[View Less]
We eagerly announce the release of:
oslo.rootwrap 5.6.0: Oslo Rootwrap
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in oslo.rootwrap 5.5.0..5.6.0
6285b63 …
[View More]Allow rootwrap-daemon to timeout and exit
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
etc/rootwrap.conf.sample | 3 +++
oslo_rootwrap/ | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
oslo_rootwrap/ | 6 +++++
4 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
[View Less]
We are tickled pink to announce the release of:
osprofiler 1.7.0: OpenStack Profiler Library
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in osprofiler 1.6.0..1.7.0
[View More]d0f5aed Highlight last trace for OSprofiler html output
768d8ea Change some bindings to one-time bindings
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
osprofiler/cmd/template.html | 27 ++++++++++++++--------
osprofiler/drivers/ | 9 +++++++-
5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
[View Less]
We are satisfied to announce the release of:
futurist 0.23.0: Useful additions to futures, from the future.
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in futurist 0.22.0..0.23.0
[View More]----
c343364 The python 3.4 support is removed
e05b121 Introducing NeverAgain functionality for periodics
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
futurist/ | 22 +++++++
futurist/ | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
setup.cfg | 1 -
tox.ini | 2 +-
6 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
[View Less]
We are glad to announce the release of:
oslo.messaging 5.19.0: Oslo Messaging API
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in oslo.messaging 5.18.0..5.19.0
[View More]--------
3fce2e0 Updated from global requirements
1fb3956 Remove self.mox
8cbca30 Move decorator updated_kwarg_default_value to right place
84faac2 [Fix gate]Update test requirement
ed149ba Allow checking if notifier is enabled
7728afe Remove mox3 from test-requirements.txt
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
oslo_messaging/notify/ | 8 +++++++
oslo_messaging/rpc/ | 9 --------
oslo_messaging/rpc/ | 11 ++++++++++
test-requirements.txt | 3 +--
7 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 9a38013..711a433 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6 +6 @@
+hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +9,0 @@ mock>=2.0 # BSD
-mox3!=0.19.0,>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0
[View Less]
We are thrilled to announce the release of:
keystoneauth1 2.19.0: Authentication Library for OpenStack Identity
This release is part of the pike release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
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For more details, please see below.
New Features
* A new flag *…
[View More]allow_version_hack* was added to identity plugins and
the adapter which will allow a client to opt out of making guesses
at the version url page of a service. This means that if a
deployment is misconfigured and the service catalog contains a
versioned endpoint that does not match the requested version the
request will fail. This will be useful in beginning to require
correctly deployed catalogs rather than continue to hide the
Changes in keystoneauth1 2.18.0..2.19.0
fdc454c Remove unused test requirement pycrypto
c12f070 Updated from global requirements
a68e2c1 Prevent JSON decode errors in the pre-record hook
e290dd3 Allow users to specify request matchers in Betamax
7bf7619 Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
cf00bc8 Allow users to specify a serializer easily
6da2d42 Allow new cassettes to be recorded via fixture
ee36aa3 Update test requirement
3ce5cb4 Add an allow_version_hack flag to session and identity plugins.
3364703 Include the auth_url in the discovery failure message
207c348 Updated from global requirements
fe5ded5 Fixed multiple target Auth warning in docstring
049e2e6 Use https for * references
062dcc9 Fix ClientException message property not set properly
8fc7b26 Update reno for stable/ocata
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
HACKING.rst | 4 +-
README.rst | 10 +--
keystoneauth1/ | 8 +-
keystoneauth1/exceptions/ | 10 +--
keystoneauth1/extras/oauth1/ | 2 +-
keystoneauth1/fixture/ | 2 +-
keystoneauth1/fixture/ | 14 ++--
keystoneauth1/fixture/ | 66 ++++++++++++++--
keystoneauth1/fixture/ | 8 +-
keystoneauth1/identity/ | 42 ++++++++---
keystoneauth1/identity/generic/ | 6 +-
keystoneauth1/identity/v3/ | 2 +-
keystoneauth1/loading/ | 5 +-
.../allow_version_hack-flag-9b53b72d9b084c04.yaml | 9 +++
releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 +
releasenotes/source/ocata.rst | 6 ++
requirements.txt | 6 +-
setup.cfg | 11 ++- | 2 +-
test-requirements.txt | 7 +-
tox.ini | 4 +
33 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d62a456..ceb5155 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@
-pbr>=1.8 # Apache-2.0
+pbr>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -8 +8 @@ positional>=1.1.1 # Apache-2.0
-requests!=2.12.2,>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+requests!=2.12.2,!=2.13.0,>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +10 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-stevedore>=1.17.1 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.20.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index c3359f8..206672a 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@
-hacking<0.12,>=0.11.0 # Apache-2.0
+hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -14 +14 @@ oslosphinx>=4.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.18.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.20.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -18 +17,0 @@ betamax>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain
@@ -21 +20 @@ requests-mock>=1.1 # Apache-2.0
-sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.4,>=1.2.1 # BSD
+sphinx>=1.5.1 # BSD
[View Less]