On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 06:41:24PM +0200, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
I've started to offload the stable queues for icehouse and havana by pushing patches. While at it, I've found out that I don't have +2 on tempest stable backports. For other projects, it's available.
So the thing to remember is that moving forward there aren't going to be any tempest stable branches. stable/havana is the last tempest stable branch, which has been effectively dead on the backport front for quite some time. If you have an example of backport that's not getting any attention I can take a look.
Is it deliberate?
Yes, the tempest stable team has always been separate, it mirrors the current tempest core team. There was a reason why we did this, but I can't remember exactly why. I think it was related to the fact that when we got the first proposed backport no one had permissions to +2 it so we just added the core team. This was before OpenStack programs was a thing and the scope of tempest was clearly defined, so not as many people were actually looking at or interested in tempest back then. That being said if there were going to be future stable branches I would say we should change it. But, given that with branchless tempest there aren't going to be backports anymore it doesn't really matter. -Matt Treinish