Thank you for nominating me! I appreciate the vote of confidence and the additional opportunity to help the community!
So, yes, I am interested if team agrees to the nomination.
Thank you again!
Jay S. Bryant
IBM Cinder Subject Matter Expert & Cinder Core Member
Department 7YLA, Building 015-2, Office E125, Rochester, MN
Telephone: (507) 253-4270, FAX (507) 253-6410
TIE Line: 553-4270
IRC Nickname: jungleboyj
All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.
-- Sean O'Casey
Thierry Carrez ---07/18/2014 03:58:38 AM---Hi, I would like to propose Jay Bryant as a stable maintainer. Looking into
From: Thierry Carrez <>
To: openstack-stable-maint <>
Cc: Jay S Bryant/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
Date: 07/18/2014 03:58 AM
Subject: Propose jsbryant to be a stable maintainer