Adam Gandleman wrote:
The Icehouse release schedule has been finalized this afternoon and it looks like Icehouse will release on April 17th. With that, I think we can plan on the proposed release schedule for stable/havana:
2013.2.1 Dec 2 2013.2.2 Feb 6 2013.2.3 Apr 3 2013.2.4 TBD after Icehouse release
Note that the Icehouse milestones hit at December 5, January 23 and March 6. Could make sense to push 2013.2.1 to the week before/after so that you don't suffer from icehouse-1 proximity.
That leaves 2 weeks between the 2013.2.3 release and Havana. This gives us a bit more room to deal with any release period craziness and should hopefully avoid the chance of a delay causing the point release to drop on the same day as Icehouse. Thoughts? I've updated the wiki [1] with these dates.
We also have one more pending stable/grizzly release (2013.1.5) that we left with a TBD release date. Now that H is out, when should we release? I propose scheduling it somewhere around the release of the first stable/havana cut, either one week prior or one week after?
Sounds good, slight preference for week before. -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)