2013/4/6 Daviey Walker <dave.walker@canonical.com>:
It's looking like there is a steady stream of post release fixes coming through for Grizzly now. Therefore, I think we should consider a sooner
How soon you had in mind? Would it work to insert 2013.1.1 on May 9th and then release every 2 months: .2 Jun 6 .3 Aug 8 .4 Oct 10 ?
release for the first one. But then, I still maintain that point releases isn't something that I think is useful.
That sounds like there was a prior discussion which I missed, so I'm not sure if I understand right, but taking this to the extreme, we wouldn't need major releases either and just deploy from trunk. Was it the idea to maintain stable branch only as a repository of useful backports? IMHO best part of releases is a deadline, which usually motivates people to get work done. Cheers, Alan