On 1/22/14 3:41 PM, "Alan Pevec" <apevec@gmail.com> wrote:
2014/1/22 Gary Kotton <gkotton@vmware.com>:
Hi, This morning I saw that the devstack patch was through and reran most of the checks. For some reason I am unable to approve. Any ideas?
Yes, +1 approve permission was removed to help solving gate resets since stable-maint team was not honoring Jan 17 post from Sean which still applies: [openstack-dev] [all] stable/havana currently blocked - do not approve or recheck stable/* patches
Thierry also forwarded it to stable-maint list yesterday. While devstack grizzly should be fixed now, stable/havana has other issues still, so please wait until further notice on stable-maint and/or openstack-dev.
Thanks for the update. The gating now passes. Will these delays affect the release date of the next stable version?
Cheers, Alan