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Swift, Ironic
- Burning issues
- Data at Rest Encryption
- Continuing the work on erasure coding
- Request for resource usage data (disk utilisation, etc.)
- Improving docs and auth for Swift SDK and CLI Tools
- What’s next
- Encryption
- Improving the overall experience for end users and operators in various ways
- Lowering and smoothing latency
- What matters in Mitaka
- Continued focus on scalability and performance
- Interoperability: adding Keystone policy support for role-based access control
- Burning issues
- General stability: testing, Nova integration
- Improving HA for Nova integration
- What’s next
- Better testing
- Nova integration: supporting multiple compute nodes
- Networking support with Neutron
- RAID Support
- What matters in Mitaka
- Scalability
- Resiliency
- Third-party testing for all drivers
Ansible, Oslo, Designate
- Burning issues
- Upgrading OpenStack
- Image-based deployment of OpenStack
- Focusing on providing a toolset for operators
- What’s next
- Breaking out repository into composable parts
- Increased focus on quality of testing
- Provide examples for use cases that are important to deployers
- Production-ready upgrade framework for OpenStack
- What matters in Mitaka
- Reducing complexity
- Improve modularity by implementing everything
- Burning issues
- Both old and new Oslo projects were discussed at Summit
- Focused on operator feedback and ongoing feedback through bug reports
- Discussed how to work closely with logging and security working groups
- What’s next
- Promoting existing projects built over last few cycles (e.g. TaskFlow)
- Oslo-privsep: New privilege mechanism based on python functions
- Oslo-tooz: distributed lock management, leader elections, etc.
- What matters in Mitaka
- Hardening the messaging infrastructure
- New Oslo messaging driver using Pika
- New driver for ZeroMQ and adding driver for Kafka
- Burning issues
- Gaps remaining from the refactoring that occurred between Kilo and Liberty
- DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions)
- Verification that returned records have not been tampered
- Integration with Nova and neutron for automatic record creation
- What’s next
- Incremental zone transfers (IXFR)
- Enabling pool scheduler
- What matters in Mitaka
- Increasing number of DNS server types, breaking down services into smaller services enhances:
- Modularity (모듈성)
- Resiliency (탄력성)
- Scalability (확장성)
OpenStackClient, Documentation
- Burning issues
- Help output from tool (feel and heavier)
- Name spacing of commands
- Only includes 5 services in repo; others are plugins
- Some plugins want to use the same resource name
- Making command set consistent
- What’s next
- Adding more sets of commands
- Neutron networking is missing currently
- switch to using the OpenStack SDK
- What matters in Mitaka
- Burning issues
- Information architecture and data typing
- Moving towards a task-based approach rather than role-based to make approach rather
- Impact Big Tent on docs approach
- Rethinking approach to API documentation
- A lot of feedback on release notes
- What’s planned for Mitaka
- Data typing
- Role to task centric approach: stating with user guides
- Re-order index pages
- Ongoing conversion to RST (Restructured Text)
- Modifying DocImpact tool
Nova, Kuryr
- Burning issues
- Focused on resource model for Nova and scheduler interactions
- Held several unconference sessions to drill into specific items raised by community members
- Plan to reduce the number of configuration options available for Nova
- What’s next
- Improved live migrate
- API docs and functionality with service catalog
- OS VIF: interface between Nova and Neutron for VIF plugins (in support of Neutron Stadium)
- Continue evolution of scheduler interface
- What matters in Mitaka
- Cells V2 impacts scalability and manageability
- Live migrate work will improve resiliency
- OS VIF will help with modularity
- Nova has work planned in all themes (scalability, resiliency, manageability, modularity, interoperability)
- Burning issues
- Focused on identifying pain-points around user deployments with container networking
- Investigating how the flexibility of Neutron could help with the container networking experience
- Integration work with Magnum and Kolla
- What’s next
- Stabilisation through functional tests, CI, gate testing
- Nested containers use case with Magnum
- Deployment and packaging
- Stretch goal: multi-node environments; Docker Swarm, Mesos, Kubernetes support
Neutron, Cinder, Ceilometer
- Burning issues
- Network Function Virtualisation
- Container networking support
- Advanced services (LBaaS, FWaaS, etc.)
- Discussions on overall performance, reliability and operability
- What’s next
- Better protocol support for L3 (IPv6, BGP, etc.)
- Continue NFV and container networking work through Neutron Stadium
- What matters in Mitaka
- Scalability: continuing the work on distributed virtual routing (DVR)
- Resiliency
- Manageability: continuing work towards minimally disruptive upgrades
- Modularity: continue to build software modules that are loosely coupled (Neutron Stadium)
- Burning issues
- Collaborating with other project (Vitrage and CloudKitty)
- Requirement for real-time alarms: creating more flexible alarm rules and support for horizontal scaling
- User Interface (UI) discussions and prototypes
- Sample configuration files
- What’s next
- Aodh: add multiple worker support
- Ceilometer: add caching and batch support for write performance improvement
- Gnocchi: metric archive sharing to improve scalability for large data-sets
- What matters in Mitaka
- Scalability: alarming and storage
- Modularity: continue to break down services further to allow for better integration from external projects
- Burning issues
- how to balance being a general-purpose block storage service and taking advantage of features found in SAN arrays
- Object inheritance for drivers
- Expanded functional testing and third-party CI
- What’s next
- Replication V2 API
- API micro-versioning
- Continued focus on Third-Party CI and functional testing
- What matters in Mitaka
- Interoperability: API micro-versioning
- Resiliency: Investigating Active/Active Cinder
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