Hi, all We had the IRC meeting yesterday. I pick out some useful information we discussed and found out during the meeting. I'd like to share with all the team. You can go through this email in several minutes and understand what happened, other than looking at the long meeting message history. * Glossary in Transifex A user can create multiple glossaries and attach them to the projects he owns, as long as the project and the glossary share the same source language. The glossaries can be bootstrapped by uploading a CSV file. So if we want all the OpenStack projects to share one glossary, there are two preconditions: 1. There is a user in Transifex who owns all OpenStack projects 2. All OpenStack projects have the same source language. ( Now the source language of Cinder, Glance, Horizon, and Nova are en_US, the others are en. ) I will follow up with CI team to see how these two preconditions can be satisfied. * Japanese document website Akihiro MOTOKI wrote the main page of Japanese document website, and the web page is under reviewed by Japanese team. KATO Tomoyuki and Tom Fifield wrote the publish script: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/39846. The script is specific to Japanese version of "operation guide". Tom would like to make it simple this time. When the script works, we can try to enable parameter. Many thanks to Akihiro, KATO and Tom's work. * Translation priority and deadline The top priority work for the team are "operation guide" (following the priority set by doc team) and Horizion. As to documentation translation, there is no an overall deadline. I want each translation team to decide their own plan and deadline. When the document is ready, we can publish to website. As to Horizon translation, when the code strings are frozen, there should be a deadline before the product release. So when the code strings are frozen (Sep 4th), I hope each translation team can focus their time on the Horzion translation. Again, this is not mandatory. Which team can finish on the time, which translation can be merged in the product release. I will talk with Horizon team about our plan. Regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
participants (1)
Ying Chun Guo